Looking to work on a Camo


New member
Jun 24, 2013
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I've always wanted to do a full paint correction on a fairly new Camaro but never came across one.
I'll do it for free, near Louisiana.
If interested please let me know,would be fun.
I'd prefer a dark color one to do.
Call me crazy but that's what I'm after.
Would love to have the pics in my album.
At first I thought you were oing to detail a military camo vehicle.

Based on this deal I wish I had one and were close to you. Good luck.
Yeah, I'm talking about a full correction, I'd get it perfect as possible, taking my time and not miss anything.
I'd prefer a black one or red but either color would work for me.
I'd use only AG products and post before and after so everyone could see.
That's a great idea but that would mean a profit for them, I'd prefer helping someone out who may not be able to to it on their own for different reasons.

Bet you could work something out with a dealer if your insured
That's a great idea but that would mean a profit for them, I'd prefer helping someone out who may not be able to to it on their own for different reasons.

Not sure where your located but PM Mike and see if he has a candidate.
For now if you have a Camaro just send me a PM and I'll do a full paint correction for free as I mentioned above.
All I ask is you bring it to me and I'll do it all, even through in a BBQ:)
Like I said, I want it for my album but really just want to get my hands on one.
Very noble gesture...

I can't think of anyone in your area with a Camaro but I'm sure there are many...

Good talking to you on the phone and maybe look into the idea we discussed...

Have to get back to working with pictures so I can get them loaded to the pictures and comments thread for this last weekend's detailing boot camp class.

Camaro's are beautiful cars and great to work on.... M101 followed up by M205.
It was a pleasure speaking with you Mike,as I told you I learned so much about detailing since learning of you.
I told Mike on our call that I will plan a vacation and go to one of his classes, I too want to work on cool cars and all those nice machines he has.
You truly are one of the most helpful teachers out there.
Was thinking how cool it would be to work with you side by side for an entire week.

Never know Mike, I may be sitting in the parking lot one morning waiting on you:)
Thank you for all that you do for us.
That sounds like a great deal for someone. I'm in Louisiana but have no camaros and two white vehicles. lol
Awwww shucks. Lol
Hey maybe one day we get a few of us and get together and have our on "Class"
We'd all learn something and would really be fun.
Heck even those from Texas could meet with us.
make a weekend of it.

That sounds like a great deal for someone. I'm in Louisiana but have no camaros and two white vehicles. lol
Sounds good to me. I'm just starting out and would love to get some hands on tips from some guys with experience.
Well one day we'll get together, I've been detailing for many years and would love getting together.
I just know it would be fun:)
Our SoCal meet up was tons of fun. If you guys have one, I am sure it will be fun too.

Someone should set something up. Have Christopher Brown ship you his baked beans. Dang those were good. :)
Our SoCal meet up was tons of fun. If you guys have one, I am sure it will be fun too.

Someone should set something up. Have Christopher Brown ship you his baked beans. Dang those were good. :)

Beans you say!
I'm still recovering from surgery but I'll plan it, 3-4 of us would be great.
Doesn't matter how many years one may have there's still room to learn, or to teach.
Maybe Mike will come down too with his tent:)
Now that would be the best day of my detailing career.
OK, time to stop dreaming. Lol

Maybe I'll buy something here and give it to someone, now that an something to come down for.