Removing the Orange Peel with many Details


New member
Jul 13, 2013
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Do u think that if a car has Orange Peel and I detail it with full correction or even minor scratch removal multiple times that it will eventually remove the OP. I am just wondering if this what I have to look forward to after many many details on my car. Using compounds rarely and more polishing every few months for light swirls is what I tend to do. I don't like the OP but I don't want to wet sand because its a newer car and the CC is thin. Just thinking if the multi-polishes I do when I have time will eventually make the paint smooth and clear without OP. Thanks guys.
It will eventually begin to smooth out. Just running through a car wash with brushes will smooth it out. How long it'll take is anyone's best guess.

If you try the carpro velvet pads they can smooth it out descently. I was pretty amazed at their ability to level.

Gentle polishes will take forever in my opinion. Compounds only slightly less. I'd guess 10+ times over a couple years could help.

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The thinner the pad, I'd guess the better at leveling the paint. The velvet pads are supposed to only knock off the tops of the Peel.

Thicker pads will conform to the shape more completely , cutting the peaks and valleys.

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I hit my 06 tundra with Megs Microfiber compound twice and and polished once with Menzerna 2500. That helped a lot in removing op. Just to let you know removing orange peel was not my main objective, it was to improve the condition on my paint.

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Try a wool pad on a rotary first. Soft CC will level out fast.

As far as the Carpro pads, I just am old school and I prefer sanding and measuring, best way to make it level and avoid putting "dips" into the CC. Also IMO it's easier to read how the peel is on the paint.

3000 the whole car, then buff out, will be like glass! I just did that on a flat black Lexus. (Not full peel removal, just trying to level and fix the plethora of issues)

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Why don't you try wet sanding with 1500 then compound with wool pad on a rotary.
If the vehicle is not an actual Show Car...
with all the safeguards taken to ensure it will not be exposed to conditions as would a DD...

Then, IMHO...
You should always be aware if there is a sufficient amount of the top-coat paint film (CC) that,
by whenever abrading this surface, it will not compromise the entire "paint-system".

The CC-paint film-build from the OEM factories' paint kitchens is (to be very generous) ~ 1.5-2.0 mils.
Invariably...The OEM's insist to never remove more than 0.3-0.5 mils of CC-paint.
To do otherwise, they say, will invalidate any paint warranties...including Goodwill Warranties;
as well as "weaken" the paint system.

It may take quite awhile to abrade away that allotted amount of CC-paint by 'polishing'.
But without the aid of an EPTG it may be difficult to find that moment in time when:
STOP...THAT's ENOUGH!!!...will occur.

Just a hint at some things that may happen when orange peel removal is the intimated goal.

