Dodge Ram Power Plant Mess - Opinions?

Russell Detail

New member
Sep 13, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys,

So one of my good body shop connections brought this project to my attention this week and wanted to see what could be done. It is a Dodge RAM 1500, POLLUTED with some type of industrial fallout from a nearby coal power plant. I have no idea what this person drives through, or in daily, but judging by the mess here it's gotta be awful.




Anyway, a budget was discussed with the customer, and unfortunately for them on this job, they don't have much of one. So if most of you feel the best option is to pull out while I'm ahead, I def wouldn't argue it after attempting some removal this evening.

To start, after washing down the drivers-side front fender for my test panel (it was much less heavily contaminated than the remainder of the truck), I took out the trusty G110V2 polisher with a 5" Microfiber cutting pad and some Ultimate Polish I have on the shelf, presto! Looked great and came off with minimal effort.

The problem is everything BELOW the trim line on the truck...these areas are SUPER DUPER HEAVILY SOILED. I mean BAD. Caps Lock - bad... Clearly I'm just going to destroy my polisher and pads attempting it here, so I tried a couple sprays of Stoner Xenit Citrus Remover, after letting it soak for a few seconds I wiped with 0000 steel wool. (I know, I know, I cringed too...) While the residue is coming off, there's no way I can physically have the strength to remove all of the contamination around the truck. Especially due to the fact that my body shop connection needs this truck for his work this coming week.

I did my best to examine the truck and discuss it with the client prior to taking it, and they are totally fine with the fact that I told them I couldn't promise improvement if anything, seeing as how it's been so neglected.

Didn't know if any of you had some tips or tricks, or have even seen anything like this before. I know I haven't, and hope I don't have to again! Great folks, but at the end of the day I make my living at this and can't be starting the charity fund anytime soon.

Thanks in advance for opinions & info guys!
Try mineral spirits or kerosene?

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