View Full Version : Optimum Power Clean - 3/1 on leather (50/50 shots)

10-13-2013, 08:27 PM
So I was planning to vacuum, and do a quick detail on the interior of my garage queen(below).


It also doubles as a hunting truck, dog kennel, etc so it's not always perfect and gets used, but I spend a considerable amount of time taking care of it, inside and out.

I vacuumed the dog hair and dirt out of it, and decided to use some OPC on the floor molding by the door to remove some crud. Cut right thru it, looked good. I found a small spot of gunk on the seat, so I just used that microfiber that was damp with OPC to spot clean it.

Then I saw this a few hours later.....(area I spot cleaned was towards the bottom). Dang, I thought those seats were clean already!


Then I thought to myself, self, rarely do you see 50/50 shots if interior on here. So I grabbed my microfiber rag and draped it over 1/2 the seat. I sprayed the OPC on half the seat, let it sit for about 30 seconds, then wiped/rubbed it off(below).


Guess what, that stuff works. In my opinion the seats were very clean before I started.........pictures say otherwise.

Thought I should share what I learned even though the product description and reviews basically state the same thing.

Vegas Transplant
10-13-2013, 09:15 PM
Guess what, that stuff works. In my opinion the seats were very clean before I started.........pictures say otherwise.



:cool pics:


10-13-2013, 10:05 PM
Looks good, I've had great results with CG and Adams leather conditioner too.

10-14-2013, 02:26 AM
1:3 sounds too strong to be used on leather. Should start around 1:8.

10-14-2013, 11:54 AM
1:3 sounds too strong to be used on leather. Should start around 1:8.

Although its fine to use, you might be happy with the results of say something like 10:1 or somewhere around there. But good job anyway.opc is a great product