

New member
Jan 7, 2007
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Ok just a question for everyone since my head is spinning from just the choices from PBMA.:confused:

What is the difference between these waxes? I would assume Souveran is top of the line but what vares between Max and 180 and Sig Series?
from what I have read, Souveran is best on darks and solid colors like black, red, yellow and I hear it's even nice on white as well. The reason is it best on those colors is because it gives it a deep rich wet looking color and by doing this is mutes out metallic flake. This is why Sig Series II is there because it should be used on metallics. The 180 is a newer product I believe, I havent ever seen it, but I hear it's nice and from what I have read it's on the same level as say the signature series II. As far as the MaxWax I don't know much, but I have heard it looks the same as Signature Series II and it's cheaper.
XMT180 -- great price point, easy to use, allow to haze, great for all colors.

Maxwax --easy to use, can WOWO, very deep and wet, great for metallics and light colors especially. Appears to enhance metallics with some reflective polymers.

Souveran -- simply no equal in depth and wetness, not very reflective, primarly designed for flat colors like red, yellows, and blacks. Can be used on other colors but does not enhance metal flake.