Sema Pics


New member
Jul 13, 2013
Reaction score
Here are a few pics from SEMA. Sorry they are thumbnails. It was nice to meet every1. There is a lot to do and see. Gotta go back tomorrow.:props:

Some pics are sideways,...ugh hate loading these,
Nice pictures, thanks for sharing. It looks like you are having a great time.
It's always an awesome time out there, especially if its your first!
It's always an awesome time out there, especially if its your first!

I did get in a car and drift a lil but it was after they took the super drift cars out. This was a bummer as they told us (after we waited in line for an hr) that the super cars were for VIP's and a few people to fill the spots. I should have said im Mike Phillips Twin but we don't look the same. LOL

It was fun to watch and see the smoke and horsepower on those cars. I am signed up for the Truck event on Sat in Henderson after SEMA is gone. We get to drive big trucks around ourselves and go off road I think. Should be fun. Anything to do with autos is fine with me. Thanks again AGO! I could have just stood by Autogeek all day and talked their ears off but I didn't want to be a pain in the butt. Tomorrow and Thurs and Friday are still coming though. I just may do that.....GOOD LORD help them all. LOL