Xmt 360


New member
Apr 21, 2006
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How are people removing deep swirls with this this? I know theirs no fillers, but I've seen pics of swirls that even a normal polish or compound would have a decent time with. How can 360 which I think of as a stronger AIO, do this? Or is it like other similar products where its the pad doing the work?
also you have to keep in mind....the type of clear coat and stuff...360 most of the time isnt going to hide every single swirl...its pretty damn good at it tho
scottgt said:
also you have to keep in mind....the type of clear coat and stuff...360 most of the time isnt going to hide every single swirl...its pretty damn good at it tho
So does it hide or not, thought it had no fillers? But from pics I've seen, serious swirls were gone, but if the product is just a strong AIO with no abrassives, how does it do it? It has to be the Pad used doing the work...?
Not sure, but I move really slowly, and only need to do 1- 3 passes on speed 5 with the PC. You need to be using a cutting pad though. Edge orange or green.
I used it today on my stang. (black)

It removed some swirls on the hood with no problem.

I hit the hood with my Gladius light, to see if they were gone....poof! :)

Love the stuff!
Its a good product...I got samples from a few people to try....but I do believe it does have lite fillers....and the sealant properties sorta lock them in....it does correct also...but doing a wipe after shows what you did not get....I like it for what it is...does a good job...

from my experience with 360 its a good one step... if you have someone that doesn't want to pay for multiple step correction than go with 360, or use it in a line up of compound, polish then 360. as far with pad, you have to choose pad, chemical and speed. 360 iz for light to moderate swirls or scratches... sometimes have to do multiple passes. i use it with a cyclo and love it. and it does have fillers. i did a black 350 and the paint was horrible, it got alot of the stuff out but there was some still left over, but after the 360 settled it covered up real nice!!
XMT 360 and Edge orange pad took this out.

D&D Auto Detailing said:
XMT 360 and Edge orange pad took this out.

Did you do an alcohol wipedown like Al was talking about to see if they were actually removed and not filled in?
No. I did wash it after though. I feel like some of you are trying to hint that using XMT 360 is a cheap, easy, short cut way of getting rid of swirls?
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I'm not hinting... I'm (and Surfer too) just trying to figure out how / if this product can actually remove the swirls. It seems impossible for 360 to remove swirls that a compound can't remove....
I see. I have the whole XMT line except for the glaze and wax. I use 360 the most out of any. It does an amazing job. I guess Ive perfected it. I sent an email to Pinnacle asking if it has any fillers in it. Next time I use it Ill do the alcohol wipe down, just tell me what I need to buy to use it.
The product worked very well on removing lite swirls for me. I have not tried it on anything to bad. It also looked very nice.
Surfer said:
How are people removing deep swirls with this this? I know theirs no fillers, but I've seen pics of swirls that even a normal polish or compound would have a decent time with. How can 360 which I think of as a stronger AIO, do this? Or is it like other similar products where its the pad doing the work?
XMT 360 is pad dependant.