How cold is to cold to wax ?


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Jul 16, 2012
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As winter is coming and temperatures are dropping. I am wondering how cold is to cold to wax ?

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Try the search engine. There's a ton of info on this topic for sure.
I worked at a car dealer in the 1990's and we would wax cars in a cold bay when the heat was broken for a few days during the winter. It was below 40 and we would still wax the cars. I don't remember having problems but it was above the 32 degrees freezing point
If u lick a pole and your tongue sticks to it, then its to cold. LOL

"you'll shoot your eye out kid"
I think generally 40ish is okay. I did mine in 50s ( lower ) and it seemed to work okay. I sued 476s, getting the truck ready for winter.
Thanks ill try the search engine

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I can usually wax a vehicle as long as it is above freezing. However, sometimes the sun can help or running the vehicle can make it work if its a bit colder. May depend on the type of wax too.
My general rule is if it has a cure or haze time more than 5 minutes I won't use it under 50. WOWO products seem to work ok. Did a car in klasse aio last night and it was a little harder to remove than normal, but nothing major. Wax does just fine in the 40's. At least for me. Humidity is a much bigger deal in my area.
I sued 476s, getting the truck ready for winter.

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