Removal of Crusty Cquartz DLUX Question


New member
Oct 6, 2011
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Has anyone every experienced DLUX becoming crusty on heavily textured and/or fine serrated plastics? How did you handle the removal and re-application?

I have a few areas on the grille of my wife's Rav4 that have crusted over, I'm assuming from apply just a tad too much DLUX with a foam swab. I've noticed that if I use a toothpick I can essentially 'fracture' the coating and flake it off. This didn't occur the first time the grille was coated, but when I did the reapplication about a year later, I noticed the crusting a few days later. It's almost as if there is a buildup of excess product in those intricate areas.

I'm just wondering if there is a more effective means of removing it so I can properly re-coat it.
I believe you are correct - this sounds like too much product was used during application.

Did you wipe away excess product after applying like instructed?
I believe you are correct - this sounds like too much product was used during application.

Did you wipe away excess product after applying like instructed?

I followed the instructions to a 'T'. I wiped away the excess on any smooth surfaces plastics. On the textured plastics, I just applied it as evenly as possible and let it cure as the instructions indicated. However, I did follow-up with a couple of swabs that were dry (no DLUX applied) to help even out any high spots and soak up any excess immediately following the application, but some of the areas I were pretty tight and difficult to apply/remove evenly.

I guess have to get some more 'pointed' applicators to assist in those areas for the reapplication.
How did you remove first application that was a year old? In tight areas it could still be present.

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