Looking for a mentor or some training in Georgia


New member
Dec 12, 2013
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I live in the Hiram area but willing to travel if needed. I want to learn how to properly detail a car. I've seen the training programs in Florida and and other states but traveling that far is out of the question right now. I am willing to pay someone that lives near me to show me how to do things and I'll even work for free.

My goal is to gain enough experience to one day open my own little detail place down in Florida! Thanks.
I wish I lived closer to you but I'm here in Louisiana:(

I'd be happy to answer any questions that you may have, via PM or here on your thread.
What car do you own?
What is the color?
Do you have a polisher, like a DA?
What products to you have?
What shape is your car in?

There is so many pros here that will help also,a good bunch:dblthumb2:
Watch the videos they have here, also watch as many of Junkman's video on the tube,very helpful videos he has.

Read as much as you can here, educate yourself and ask a lot of questions , don't be shy. Lol

Wish you luck:)
I agree with hate swirls junkmam does a great job also Larry from ammonyc does a great Job as well. Watch the videos i don't detail full time but i do it on the side when i have time. Im also willing to help just send me pm if you need help you came to the right place there are great people here willing to help out.
Thanks guys. And I'll pm you with all that info hate.