Slap to the head moment!


New member
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
I just received my grit guards the other day. (Hasn't been using any before but wanted to try some). It had been so cold and snowy I hadn't had a chance to use them yet. The weather today was awesome, highs in the 50s and sunny. The poor nitro needed cleaning with all the muck on it. I pull out my old faithful mothers buckets (faded and slightly warped, at least one is). Fill one with water, add my shampoo and water in the other. Grab my guards and put them in the bucket. Wtf!? Aren't they suppose to go to the bottom? I force it halfway as far as it would go and say f it. I didn't realize they had different sizes. I pull them out, wash the car, still use them for my mitts, and mfs that are used to sit on. After I clean the buckets when I'm done I try again. Maybe they are suppose to be a really tight fit. Again I push down and still don't go in. Oh well. I guess I need to order the 5 gallon size. I thought that was standard. As I'm putting my buckets back on my shelf I read on the bottom in small lettering 4 gallons. I'll be a son of a b. I'm such an idiot. For 6 or 7 years my shampoo measurements and everything were off. Guess I need new buckets. SMH.

PS. anyone know where I can get some dodo juice buckets? They are so cool looking.
Just go to home depot or lowes and get two 5 gal food grade buckets or the orange home depot bucket but be sure to bring the grit gaurd that way you knoe it fits all the way to the bottom
Interestingly enough I bought the whole bucket set up from Autogeek's sister site and the supplied grit guard will not go all the way to the bottom of the bucket either.
The easiest thing to do is of course buy new buckets, but you can also snip off an outer ring from the grit guard until it fits to your liking.