Strange stain in paint?


New member
Nov 5, 2013
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Hey guys. This is my own personal vehicle. Yes it's in rough shape, but I recently moved and it has had to sit outside with little to no love and kindness for quite a while. Anyways, I came out to find this a few weeks ago and don't have a clue what it is. It can't be felt, so it's not topical. Basically looks as if something stained the car. It won't rub off with my finger either. Haven't tried anything on it yet, but I thought about hitting it with my Pinnacle Paint Cleansing Lotion and proceed from there. Any ideas?

Tough to tell via picture, possibly water and or soap dried on surface, water mark, or major bird bomb since rinsed off via rain? Least aggressive option first, so paint cleanser, then polish, then compound only if you must. Try multiple pads as well, same product, more aggressive pad if needed, so its a gradually process. Just to be safe.