spray paint on a car

Trim will be the fun part. When I was in the overspray business we either dyed the trim or coated it with a spray from SEM.
Well, I got half the car done tonight.

Well I have to say you've done quite the job but why did you write all those words. Put that red on evenly and let it flow out.

Seriously, sorry to see that happen to anyone. You just don't mess with someones vehicle. I hope the remainder comes off well.
I had a similar situation last year with spray paint. I learned that smooth-top or glass top stove cleaner/polish does an unbelievable job at removing it from every surface of a vehicle without damaging the paint whatsoever. Stuff is pretty much made to remove the absolute worst, burnt-on nastiness from ceramic/glass-top stoves without scratching or marring the surface and it does exactly that. Looks good so far!