CR spotless vs deluxe water filtration kit...


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Oct 2, 2013
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I have a new corvette, thoughts of either the CR spotless for
$299 or the deluxe water filtration kit for $139. Probably only use it on one or two of my cars. Anyone know the difference in these two systems?
I do not know the difference, however I did set up the deluxe kit - filter and softener and I am very pleased with it. Much better foaming with foam cannon, and I was surprised how much much junk the filter caught. This was grit that I could have been washing with.
Yes. The CR gives you 100% (virtually) mineral/ion free water. It's a completely amazing device. However, be prepared to spend $$$ on resin every so often, or possibly blow up your house like a meth lab trying to regenerate it.

The other things is a water softener. "Soft" water is sodium heavy (salt or sodium bicarbonate ) and calcium light (calcium carbonate). The calcium carbonate is what leaves the nasty etching staining water spots. While a water softener won't eliminate water spots, a CR Spotless can. Sodium type water spots are *supposedly* easier to remove. The water softener is rechargeable with salt.

Think I got all that right.
For a new black corvette, I would go with the CR spotless if you don't mind spending the $$. Especially if you find yourself not having a shaded area to wash it in. I got pretty lucky and got a commercial distillation unit with a 40gallon tank for cheap in a locker auction. Uses a decent amount of electricity to run but I have spotless rinse water now.
Yes. The CR gives you 100% (virtually) mineral/ion free water. It's a completely amazing device. However, be prepared to spend $$$ on resin every so often, or possibly blow up your house like a meth lab trying to regenerate it.

The other things is a water softener. "Soft" water is sodium heavy (salt or sodium bicarbonate ) and calcium light (calcium carbonate). The calcium carbonate is what leaves the nasty etching staining water spots. While a water softener won't eliminate water spots, a CR Spotless can. Sodium type water spots are *supposedly* easier to remove. The water softener is rechargeable with salt.

Think I got all that right.

I agree.

Spend the extra money on the CR Spotless. You will be glad you did with a black Vette.
I have the biggest CR and have found the most effective and cost saving way to use it.

First I only use it for the final rinse.

And to keep the big canisters of resin lasting as long as possible I use a resin pre-filter.

It is just a small, single filter version of the CR type filter. But when it's resin clogs and I need to replace it, it only requires less than a quarter of the resin that the CR takes. And by taking the load off the big CR filter they last much, much longer.

Here's the little filter I ended up using.

I got the clear garden hose housing
Garden Hose Filters – Pure Water Products, LLC

And the resin cartridge
Water Softening Cartridge – Pure Water Products, LLC

The resin to re-charge the cartridge you can get on here on the CR page.
I do not have the quintessential solution...
But I do have great admiration for the perplexity you've presented.

Thanks for the info, i will get the CR spotless with a pre filter suggested
I have the biggest CR and have found the most effective and cost saving way to use it.

First I only use it for the final rinse.

And to keep the big canisters of resin lasting as long as possible I use a resin pre-filter.

It is just a small, single filter version of the CR type filter. But when it's resin clogs and I need to replace it, it only requires less than a quarter of the resin that the CR takes. And by taking the load off the big CR filter they last much, much longer.

Here's the little filter I ended up using.

I got the clear garden hose housing
Garden Hose Filters – Pure Water Products, LLC

And the resin cartridge
Water Softening Cartridge – Pure Water Products, LLC

The resin to re-charge the cartridge you can get on here on the CR page.

Do you attach this pre filter to the water line while washing the car? Afterwards remove the pre filter and attach the CR spotless to rinse? Or do you use both in conjunction for wash and rinsing? Am I understanding what you are trying to say?