Wax for hiding some spiderwebbing on black car?


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Mar 18, 2007
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I need to find a good durable wax with good filling properties to hide some of the light spiderwebbing on my black cars.

I wonder if I should get something like FK1 2685, or PB Natty's paste wax (red), or Collinite 915, or something else?

Right now I have Collinite 476S in my arsenal, but I think it is more for winter use.

I use FK 425 QD between washes (almost after every trip).

I have a base coat of Collinite 845 insulator right now (stripped off everything yesterday).
waxes are usually limited in filling abilities, I would move to a glaze like Megs' #7 or Clearkotes Vanilla Moose Glaze. Remember these are temporary fillers and polishing at some point is a wiser choice.
Well, this one is for my 7-month old Porsche. And new Porsches are not too thick on clearcoat. So I am trying to keep polishing to once per year. This car is also my quasi-daily driver, so it gets QD every time it comes back from a day of work.
Fk425 is a great qd'er and the anti-static properties seem noted. The glaze/wax combo is a nice choice in your situation. Megs also makes a new car glaze, but never tried.
clearkote's moose wax works well for filling in spider webs, but keep in mind that it is a cleaner wax so it will take off any glazes you put on.
I've found that the Souveran series does well at hiding swirls.
apsinkus said:
Well, this one is for my 7-month old Porsche. And new Porsches are not too thick on clearcoat. So I am trying to keep polishing to once per year. This car is also my quasi-daily driver, so it gets QD every time it comes back from a day of work.

If you are QDing every day after driving, that may be the reason you hv paint defects.
I would do a light polish to correct the paint and stick to QDing only after a weekly, careful wash.
So here is a quostion, since the car is parked on the top floor of a garage and it is open (that is the spot that came with a condo), I cover my car all the time. So if I do not QD before covering the car, wouldn't that cause worse damage to the paint?

It is also very dusty in the area, since there is a lot of construction going on in the area.

Until I move somewhere I have a garage, I am not in a good situation.
i would recomend menz glaze to cover them up, i am going to get some i a week, will be sureto post what i think.
apsinkus said:
So here is a quostion, since the car is parked on the top floor of a garage and it is open (that is the spot that came with a condo), I cover my car all the time. So if I do not QD before covering the car, wouldn't that cause worse damage to the paint?

It is also very dusty in the area, since there is a lot of construction going on in the area.

Until I move somewhere I have a garage, I am not in a good situation.
True, but at the same time qd'ing daily is going to put swirls in paint no matter how careful you are so either way your screwed lol, less touching the paint the better. I polished my truck in January and there's still not a swirl on it, looks like I just polished it.

I would look into some VMG and RMG by Clearkote. If you have a PC, they will act as a very fine polish and have fillers. Top witha wax and your set, just realize that after a couple washes the swirls start to come back after the fillers go away.
If it was me, I wouldnt cover the car or QD it. Just give it a weekly wash. Putting the cover on could cause damage, as well as QDing.
D&D Auto Detailing said:
If it was me, I wouldnt cover the car or QD it. Just give it a weekly wash. Putting the cover on could cause damage, as well as QDing.
Agree, I wouldn't bother with the cover. Just wash weekly.
Yeah, if it wasnt covered by the parking lot roof then it might be a different story.
Well, as noted, I QD everyday religiously and I can safely say that there is not one swirl on my paint. The only imperfections are those of which were too deep to be removed from polishing roughly 6 months ago. I have been using clean MFs (washed after EVERY use) with CM and SSW.

As for some filler, definitely consider a glaze, for a wax doesn't really specialize in this property. I have had good results with WG Finishing Glaze, but others have had much luck with some better products. I top with WG DGPS and SSII for my white diamond pearl, whereas I would top with Souveran on a darker car.

Keep up the daily QD, it does much more good than harm when done properly.
A waterless wash might be better than a QD spray. Black is going to show every imperfection. Anyway to upgrade to covered parking?
What waterless wash would you guys recommend?

Thing is that even in the covered parking (there are zero spots, since they are attached to each unit), dust blows in there too. Another issue is also that I don't like attracting attention. Before I found a car cover, there would be fingerprints all over the car and I would see people leaning on the car and taking pictures. Now that it is covered, those issues are gone.

So all I have to figure out now is how to clean her off with minimal damage.
PB, DP and CG one are a few waterless washes to try.
apsinkus said:
What waterless wash would you guys recommend?

Thing is that even in the covered parking (there are zero spots, since they are attached to each unit), dust blows in there too. Another issue is also that I don't like attracting attention. Before I found a car cover, there would be fingerprints all over the car and I would see people leaning on the car and taking pictures. Now that it is covered, those issues are gone.

So all I have to figure out now is how to clean her off with minimal damage.
Geez I would go nut if I saw people leaning on my bucket to take pictures of a car that isn't theirs. I use Optimum no rinse wash with good results. Has a very good rep and a strong following. Finding a good spray bottle to maximize each spray is key as well. I have not tried the spray bottle AG sells but I did just try Top Of The Line's 12oz spray bottle and love them (bought 6 of them). Gives a great even mist that covers a lot of area.