Extractor Problems


New member
Jan 15, 2014
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I have a Durrmaid Basic 1500. I purchased it about a year about and just recently noticed rust in the clean water tank. I took care of it specifically how the manual said to and when I tried to get new parts because of the warranty I couldnt.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a hot-water extractor that is reliable, that can handle use everyday and is not too heavy since I will need to load it in the truck when doing mobile detailing.
A few years back I had a thermal cp 5. Talk about a headache! It broke all the time and repairs were expensive. I currently have a malco xtrax 1200. It's bigger but there is always at least two of us to lift it into the van. It works well and seems to be bullet proof. I went for the bigger unit for yachts, Rvs, and just all day use. Sorry for the bad luck with your machine. Your distributor should help you