Port saint Lucie


New member
Jul 14, 2013
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Does anyone have an idea on how detailing business is port saint lucie,fl my family and I are moving up there in a couple of months and we are planning to start mobile detailing on the weekends. :buffing:
Not a huge market up there, and not a whole lot of competition from what I have seen. The home prices are great, but it's a shame that Digital Domain had all of these promises to bring local jobs up there but fell short.
Thanks I know the home prices are great but there is nothing going on up there I was going to do it just on the weekends .
On a brighter note you are not far from autogeek.One of the guys(Jeff) who helps out on the Thursday night makeovers has a mobile business in PSL.
You will be close to us, I live in PSL as well as most of our staff here, there are a lot of guys in the mobile business but not a lot of guys that are experience and know what they are doing. So we can always use some guys that can actually detail, I struggle to find a good detailer myself (when its cold out I dont like to detail my car)!!
Good ol PSL. I'm from Stuart and moved to psl when I was in 4th grade. Now I'm in Montana but visit frequently due to my parents living there still. But, not much to do there. There are small time car clubs you could try to gain their business. Everyone there seems to think they know what they are doing, even if it's wrong. Damn Yankees!

(No offense to any northerners, it's just not fun when the 'snowbirds' come to their winter home. They make psl way more packed than it should! Also, psl is mostly people from either New York or New Jersey now.)
(No offense to any northerners, it's just not fun when the 'snowbirds' come to their winter home. They make psl way more packed than it should! Also, psl is mostly people from either New York or New Jersey now.)

Amen, I live by the Mets stadium and when the snow birds folk down they hang out there like they are giving away free candy!
Go Red Sox!
You will be close to us, I live in PSL as well as most of our staff here, there are a lot of guys in the mobile business but not a lot of guys that are experience and know what they are doing. So we can always use some guys that can actually detail, I struggle to find a good detailer myself (when its cold out I dont like to detail my car)!!

Cold out? Yeaaaaaaahhhhh riiiiiigggggghhhhhhhttttttt........ :rolleyes:

It'll be 17° in the morning with 0º wind chill. In At-Freaking-LANTA of all places!!! :eek: