I hate all of you that live in states that use no salt on the roads....


May 29, 2013
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Spent the last 3hrs using my foam gun with a mix of IronX and Megs to foam down both my Buick Verano(Crystal Red but looked white from all the salt) and my Chevy Equinox. It's amazing how bad this stuff corrodes vehicles.

I foamed top and bottom with warm water and thank fully got rid of most of the heavy stuff.

Hand washed both afterwards and the undercarriages. Rinsed them very very well to combat all the salt that gets into EVERYTHING.

Since it was 45+ degrees here in MA today I figured it was a great time to do it. I'm soaked and cold but it was worth it. Sorry I didn't take any pics but just think of cars covered in salt and now they're not. :D
Yeah, it is painful here to. 65 and I washed 2 vehicles as they were pretty dusty. Although May is coming and the 115+ temps with it. I will take the temps over watching my vehicle turn into red oxide.

Well, at least you have some kind of weather. Massive drought happening here in Southern California. Same weather everyday for months on end is boring as all heck.
Salt on the roads - what's that?!

Thankfully I live in an area where we dont have to worry about that at all. But the good news is it rained yesterday for the first time in over 2 months!
I would hate to be in drought but dealing with rust and rot is no fun either.
Here in Louisiana we don't have to worry about salt on the roads often being we only get ice/snow every ten years.
Well last week was coming up on ten years, ice everywhere.
They spread salt on every bridge and overpass.
Truck was a mess, rinsed it off well for now.

No way I could deal with that often.


Wifes edge this am

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If I lived Back East I would definitely get a new car Krowned every couple of years, even if I had to drive to Canada to do it. (well, if I was within 100 miles of the border, anyway). Getting even a little visible rust on a car would take all my enthusiasm for keeping it up.

This is why we laboriously put that expensive sealant/wax on the car in mid-November, is it not?

I've been squirting the undercarriage with "Salt-Away" which supposedly helps dissolve the stuff away pretty quickly. Salt is fairly inert and cannot be neutralized easily by the application of some other chemical.

I have no idea if it actually helps.
If I lived Back East I would definitely get a new car Krowned every couple of years, even if I had to drive to Canada to do it. (well, if I was within 100 miles of the border, anyway). Getting even a little visible rust on a car would take all my enthusiasm for keeping it up.

This is why we laboriously put that expensive sealant/wax on the car in mid-November, is it not?

I've been squirting the undercarriage with "Salt-Away" which supposedly helps dissolve the stuff away pretty quickly. Salt is fairly inert and cannot be neutralized easily by the application of some other chemical.

I have no idea if it actually helps.

Rinsing with water will do it. But it has to be warm enough to get the water flowing. Took me a good 40 min to get the hose unfrozen.
We are all in the same boat I worked today came home snow foamed my truck to remove the salt, tomorrow I will brake out the bucket and do a hand wash. At least it hit the 40's but they are calling for snow in jersey again this week, but at least we got January in our back pocket :buffing:
76 Here in Tampa today. After a dreary rainy week I took the GC out for a ride all shined up with a new coat of PBL Diamond Paint Sealant, great stuff. My first time using it. What I really like is it attracts much less dust than carnaubas, might have to sell off my collection.

76 Here in Tampa today. After a dreary rainy week I took the GC out for a ride all shined up with a new coat of PBL Diamond Paint Sealant, great stuff. My first time using it. What I really like is it attracts much less dust than carnaubas, might have to sell off my collection.

Can only dream of 76 degrees:surrender:
They should have had the Super Bowl down here in Tampa again, going to be near 80 tomorrow and mostly sunny.
I use this stuff called SaltX before washing. Then I spray it on the entire undercarriage afterwards.
We are all in the same boat I worked today came home snow foamed my truck to remove the salt, tomorrow I will brake out the bucket and do a hand wash. At least it hit the 40's but they are calling for snow in jersey again this week, but at least we got January in our back pocket :buffing:

The seemingly endless Super Bowl pre-hype weather reports seem to say that you won't have snow tomorrow, so you might get some detailing time in before the game.
I live in Atlanta and on Tuesday due to not having salt on the roads the whole state shut down. Some ended up sleeping and saying 24+ hours in the highway. A lady also had her baby in the highway due to not making it to the hospital. It took me 8 hours for a 20 min drive to the hospital because my sister in law was going in to labor that day. My brother was coming from north Carolina and had to leave the car behind and walk the last 6 miles to the hospital. (He is a Marine) We made it in time, my nephew didn't come out until 12:30 am of Wednesday. So yea be glad you guys are prepared for the snow.

Sent with my Note 2, from Planet Namek.