More on ultimate paint guard plus


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Feb 5, 2010
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If one applies the UPP+ then after a wash which quick detailers is compatible I'm assuming the Ultimate detail spray but are there others .?.:dblthumb2:
Over the past 14-15 months, I've probably thrown more different products on my 2001 junkmobile Kia Spectra, than most folks throw on their beloved Bentleys, Porsches, Ferraris. (yes, I know, I'm definitely gone "upstairs", but it's a great affliction, ain't it folks! LOL)

I've used this junker as sort of a test bed for a multitude of great AG products. I've pretty much stuck with synth products though throughout, no nubas at all.

Seems one can basically throw anything over anything synthetic, and not have any issues I've found. That Kia has been hit with many WOWA's of the likes of WG Liquid Seal, Optimum Opti-Seal (getting low), UPGP, sealants, of the likes of Menz Powerlock, WGDGPS 3.0, DG Aquawax, Pinnacle Crystal Mist Detailer Spray, they all seem to very happily live together quite well.

In fact after a wash yesterday, I hit the car with the Optimum Opti-Seal.
I've had some on and off mixed feelings about this product, but have concluded it's a great one to have in one's arsenal. Very easy, no more difficult that a cheapo $4 bottle of Meg's Detailer from Wally World in fact easier, no hazing, no clouding, nada. Great work time, nice gloss, and for how much one uses, I'm probably saving money versus the Wally World fare, and getting better protection to boot.