PB Spray and Wipe Streaking


New member
Apr 2, 2007
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Am I using too much? I had to go over it w CG QD to get rid of the steaking....

Anyone else have this problem? On the bottle it says it easier when you use less, but I dont feel comfortable using less when theres dust all over the car.
You must be using too much. I love the stuff and use it often. I've used it for spot cleaning many times with never a streaking problem.
Yah, you are using too much. I have a heavy hand. I have learned less is more with detailing products. I have had the same issue with some other products - now I use them without a problem. Try it again. Make sure the dust is super light -else just wash it. It is not worth the worry or the work if you do end up swirling it!
I diluted mine a bit and works perfectly ....
Here is how much I use and never get any streaking:

Poorboys Spray & Wipe

killrwheels@autogeek said:
I diluted mine a bit and works perfectly ....
I also use a 60/40 blend of S&W and CK QuikShine or PB S&G and it works great too.
blkyukon said:
Here is how much I use and never get any streaking:

Poorboys Spray & Wipe

I also use a 60/40 blend of S&W and CK QuikShine or PB S&G and it works great too.

THats about how much I used.... hmm.... maybe its my LSP thats making it streak???

BTW, nice avatar, haha did you get those arms from holding the PC?
What MF did you use? I just went out and used a liberal amount of PB S&W on my car. I used a plush Cobra MF and I had no streaking problems. I had to wipe several times to buff off the product but it came off and dried clear.
I found it streked when I used to much and also with the cheaper microfibre's I had the same problem.
Were you working in the sun or shade? How fresh is the LSP that is on the vehicle? Was the towel saturated with product?
Are you using the same MF to remove the S&W and buff dry? If so that might be the problem... I always use at least 2 MF when I use S&W or a QD, one to remove the product and one to buff dry.
budman3 said:
Were you working in the sun or shade? How fresh is the LSP that is on the vehicle? Was the towel saturated with product?

Nattys Red about a week old
Brand new towel!

Purple Jrs are pretty much the best towels out there right now, so the "cheap towel" theory is out the window.
I once used S&W in the sun and it was the biggest mistake I ever made. The hood never looked so bad. However, in the sun, and not using too much of it, it works great.