meguiars ultimate wax vs gold class


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May 10, 2013
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Hey guys I am about to buy some wax what is the difference between the two? Which one is better? Thanks!
Hmm...I have used both Ultimate Wax Liquid and paste (I prefer liquid) and Gold Class carnuaba extensively. I believe Ultimate Wax has synthetic polymers in it, so it is essentially a sealant, where the Gold Class Carnauba is a carnuaba.

So longevity and looks wise, the difference is what you would expect from a sealant vs. carnauba wax, UW lasts longer, gives a glassier appearance where the Gold Class carnauba gives more color tone and depth.

As far as which one is better, those two were my main waxes up until I ordered from AG. They each serve their purpose and do it well for OTC in my experience.

I would use UW and sometimes I would top UW with Gold Class. During the summer sometimes I would just use Gold Class. Here is a picture of beading with the UW Liquid. This was after a few weeks (3-4) even:

Your going notice a slightly more depth from GC. Although durability wise, Ultimate Wax cant be beat. Sharper crisp reflections. Its a sealant, not a wax. It smells amazing. Its really hard to tell them apart side by side like most lsps on a well prepped surface. Just remember to apply really thin. UW is basically M21 on steroids, and if you saw my review on M21 vs DGPS3.0, both looked exactly the same.

If your looking for more of a carnuba glow, but still want the durability of a sealant I recommend Four Star UPP.
hmm this might sound weird but I have never used Meguiar's Gold Class before. I am a big fan of Meguiar's Ultimate however.

If I did a side by side comparison, No one would really know the difference. So with that in my mind longevity is more ideal to me.
If your looking for more of a carnuba glow, but still want the durability of a sealant I recommend Four Star UPP.
^Sweeeeet, that is what I bought as my "boutique" sealant. Going to top it w/ Pinnacle Sig Series II whenever I want to layer! :xyxthumbs:
hmm this might sound weird but I have never used Meguiar's Gold Class before. I am a big fan of Meguiar's Ultimate however.

If I did a side by side comparison, No one would really know the difference. So with that in my mind longevity is more ideal to me.

It's a good wax Art, I mean for 10 bucks it's kind of hard to beat.
Very hard in the tub, I work a little on my applicator pad and go, a little is better because like most carnauba waxes they can be harder to remove than a non-carnauba.

Last time I used it was last summer on the black RAV, really made it pop but only lasted 6 weeks or less.
It's light yellow in color.
When I do use it which isn't often I apply to about three panels, let it haze over then buff off.

You'll notice a big time shine. :dblthumb2:
Hey guys I am about to buy some wax what is the difference between the two? Which one is better? Thanks!
Try Meguiar's Gold Class Carnauba +...

Just like Meguiar's Ultimate Wax:
It also has some of those World-famous Meguiar's sealant-ish polymers.

Try Meguiar's Gold Class Carnauba +...

Just like Meguiar's Ultimate Wax:
It also has some of those World-famous Meguiar's sealant-ish polymers.


The Spray Wax version of the Carnauba Plus is very nice IMO. It looks nice and glossy,and it's really easy to use. No streaks for me even in the sun. The best part is that I got it for free in Christmas gift set.
Ultimate wax is currently meguiar's longest lasting wax. It's actually synthetic so it's a sealant. The term wax is used because the average consumer has no distinction between wax and sealant. UW also darkens the paint. It's a great sealant. I have never used gold class but it gets many good reviews. I would recommend you get both. You can't go wrong. You could apply UW and follow up with GC. If you want to step it up a notch consider M26.
Ultimate wax is a sealant. It can be topped with a carnauba (GC or M26) if desired.
Gold class durability is 2 weeks with temps in the 90's
+1. And to think Collinite 845, for $8 more, lasts MONTHS.

And what are those gritty things in GC? Maybe them's them polymers. But seriously, feel of it sometime.
I used gold class plus carnauba to top Wolfgang Sealant and it looks pretty good. I used the liquid variety. I haven't had a chance to see how long it lasts. I do have some on one panel that is a few weeks older than the other panel, so I'll have to do a pic comparison of water beading soon. I don't have time to do the whole car at once.

I wonder if using their gold class wash and some of their detailing sprays helps it last longer? Reason I am using Megs is because it's easy for me to pick it up when I run out at a b&m.