View Full Version : Thoughts on this would be appreciated

03-21-2014, 09:07 PM
My Teen center was thinking of ways to make money , well, whats better than a car raffle. So many people in my town drive jeep wranglers , that they thought that they could work with a car dealership in the area. They were able to find a dealer that is willing to offer a heavily discounted new jeep wrangler. It would allow for the center to make a good amount of money, but also be great advertising for the new dealership.
The organization might be able to use a lender car and drive it around as the dealer would not want to be liable for a car thats not exactly bought yet. The leader of the idea/fundraiser asked what color during a meeting and the kids shouted out all different ones. I thought black but did not say anything, knowing that if it does need detailing work before its raffled, I am around and able to work on black or just the car in general as I have everything you could need to do detail work on it. Here is where your thought is needed. I dont know what color looks most presentable in everybody's opinion. I thought black , but it has to be "swirl free" and no DISO =), and the ticket pricing for a ticket for the car would be steep ,100 dollars for a ticket and only 1000 tickets sold. It would bring in a hefty profit , but some were saying that it would be too much as in greedy and unaffordable and that nobody would buy a ticket. The car does have monetary value though and it would be good for the person who wins. Any thoughts/input would be appreciated

03-21-2014, 09:59 PM
Bill, if I may offer my two cents: In theory, it sounds like a great idea. You didn't specify which area of the country you live in though. Where I live, (Long Island, NY) There are many affluent people (I wish I were one of them!) who would eagerly snatch up a $100 ticket to win a Jeep.

However, in some areas, $100 goes a long way. Also, people who do the math will think: 1000 tickets X $100 = $100,000!. Even if a Jeep is the prize, the club will receive $50,000 (+ or -). And that may be too much to ask.

Again, just my two cents on the matter, but I wish you & the club nothing but success in your fund-raising endeavors!

03-21-2014, 10:44 PM
My high school had an auction for a Jeep Wrangler so I'll just tell you what they did. The administration of the school has close ties to a dealer nearby and they gave it to them for free, they also built us a church a few years prior to this. Tickets were sold for 10 dollars each I think for about 3 weeks and they had prizes for people who sold the most tickets. In the end the winner of the car was a family that bought like 100 tickets. But their daughter doesn't even drive it because its a standard transmission.

03-22-2014, 11:27 AM
Bill, if I may offer my two cents: In theory, it sounds like a great idea. You didn't specify which area of the country you live in though. Where I live, (Long Island, NY) There are many affluent people (I wish I were one of them!) who would eagerly snatch up a $100 ticket to win a Jeep.

However, in some areas, $100 goes a long way. Also, people who do the math will think: 1000 tickets X $100 = $100,000!. Even if a Jeep is the prize, the club will receive $50,000 (+ or -). And that may be too much to ask.

Again, just my two cents on the matter, but I wish you & the club nothing but success in your fund-raising endeavors!

I am living about 1 hr north of nyc. People here are so foolish with their money, that 100 dollars is like nothing to them unfortunately. The reason why the profit margin is so high is because the center is trying to find a way to earn money as they go through it so fast. There is so many programs that they have that they have and they need the money to run them