Acid Rain


New member
Apr 23, 2007
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After way too many hours, claying and intensive caring and finishing polishing and glazeing and sovereaning my black car still looks like crap...

I just gave up and took it to the local family car detailer. He said the pin like spots that plagued my hood was none other than acid rain...So I said, "can you remove it" "nope" he said you are just screwed. Great so now what am i to do ??

Any thoughts on acid rain ???
.. Believe me this stuff is not coming out with pc, orange pad and mezerna intensive polish. I could get a bit more aggressive but does anyone really think it matters that much and that all of sudden the finish willl look good ?
Shoiuld I* take it to a body shop ? really upset..
Living in the North East US...We are plagued with Acid rain....but never seen it like what you described...little pit marks.....where are these pit marks....are they all over the car?...or just more on the front...reason I ask as what you describe sounds like road rash on paint....micro chips from road grit abrasion....

Most acid rain damage I have come across is etching in the clear....and looks like dried beading spots...

you have a picture of the area in question....may help better to see the defect you speak of...

Looks Like Tiny Specs Of Sand

Ok, i am exhausted trying to figure this out,,, The jet black hood of the car looks as if very tiny specs of sand aor dust re under the clear coat. When the lights them they become longer appering streaks... There is no surface texture... The black pant when looked at close up has a grayness to it as well... I go so mad today that I grabbed the compound and tried again.. But it was too damn hot outside so the surface just turned into milkey white blotches.. The the damn polish dusted off onto my winshield and I grabbed the windwhield washer an slammed it into the windshield. Ok that looks like about $1,000 of damage I just did but. But that was before I slammed my hand down on the hood in disgust and of course dented the #### out of it. The saga goes on.
acid rain will quickly etch a painted surface, the only way around is to try and keep a good protectant on there (wax, sealant) and wash often. Once theyve etched the surface on wetsanding and sometimes polishing will help.

What I will remind you it to take a chill pill .... stand back around 10 feet from your car. This is what all others see. You can reduce these markings and bring paint back to health by still detaling and prepping correctly. Think wash, clay, polish, protect. Relax and realize your likely only see your car the way others do the day you get rid of it. Its amazing ...
you might be able to pop back the dent you made in your hood, have you tried yet?
ugh I tried.... I think a visit to the body shop is in order. damn that sucked.. I just bought some lights and now I need camera to take a photo of that grit or whatever is plagueing me. I am in for revenge !!!!!!!!
Hi-Temp makes a black wax made for black cars....called Midnight express...some use it for the front of black cars where road rash pits are and when wax dries its not as noticable in the pits as it dries black...and some say it does a real nice job as far as looks....

It is made for machine use as it does have very fine abrasives to remove swirl marks is sorta like a Black meg's #66 ....

HT-421 Midnight Express
A black, carnauba wax formulated
especially for dark clearcoated vehicles,
blended with polymers, ultra fine
abrasives, and gloss intensifying additives

IS Zymols wax the "Carbon" wax > What do road rash pits look like? Any photos?
killrwheels@autogeek said:
.... stand back around 10 feet from your car. This is what all others see. You can reduce these markings and bring paint back to health by still detaling and prepping correctly. Think wash, clay, polish, protect. Relax and realize your likely only see your car the way others do the day you get rid of it. Its amazing ...

Killr has some great advice here for all of us. After detailing my car I have folks cooing over how beautiful it looks, but I still see every little nick, scratch, touch-up paint, and flaw.

On the other hand, sorry to hear about the acid rain. It does show how important it is for us to support the environment.
Well today I found out that I asm not completely nuts.
I went to the BMW body shop and spoke with the foreman.
Seems that after some close inspection he was able to identify the little speck -like-things in my finish. They were not "road rash", "acid rain" or dust but what he called "SOLVENT POP " . The specks are really craters or depressions that was caused by the drying of the paint at one point.. Only way to fix it would be to wet sand the hood... Hmmm seems to me if it was a paint problem then maybe I have a warranty issue as well..