Detailing for the non-enthusiasts


New member
Feb 27, 2014
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Is it just me or is it a bit frustrating to detail for friends, co-workers, and customers that just don't have no clue or appreciation for deatiling or cars in general? Last weekend I did a co-workers 2009 Civic, wash, clay, removed swirls and scratches (which was a lot, he drove through a bush), polish, wax, and full interior. Kind of handy man myself so I even re-installed his air intake tube and fixed his front bumper which was misaligned causing the ends to flare out. Overall spent almost 6 hours. When I returned his car, he just said thanks and paid. I gave him a tour of everything I did and nothing (no expression), probably because he didn't even know all the things that were wrong with his car lol. I myself was pretty impressed and excited that I turned this car from junk to new. Sucks that some people just don't care, that probably explains why he only washed his car once a year. I told him now that swirls and scratches are corrected, he should try to at least wash his car once a week since he doesn't park in the garage...he laughed and said that probably won't happen. Well at least I'll have a repeat customer lol.
Just document everything by taking pictures, making videos, and if the car is then neglected. You will have it as part of your portfolio. You can always come here and post it. We always enjoy looking at pictures or videos. :D

That is why I like to do my YouTube video blogs, so I can share with you guys. :props:
Definitley...just wished people who brought me their cars was as excited as me to see the night and day differences. That way the work could be more appreciated and they could try a little bit to keep their property in good condition going forward. I guess if there weren't people who neglect their cars we wouldn't have any cars to really detail lol.
He paid and wanted paint correction but didnt care? Or you did all those things cause you wanted to and he just wanted you to wash and clean it?

Big difference in what advice I would give you. LOL
Oh I did a mutual friends G37 the weekend before and he asked for the same thing, only his Civic was in worse condition. I did do more than he probably would have noticed but I was trying to prove a point a bit since I heard he said he didn't notice a difference with our friends G37 (just looked washed and waxed). The G37 was pretty pristine minus the micro swirls, so to some people they may not notice the work done. Don't misunderstand me though, there's no issues here...was just hoping for a WOW reaction lol. Maybe I was just too excited with what I was able to do with his car.
Re: Detailing for the non-enthusiastsp

Let me begin by saying that feeling appreciated is probably one of the most important needs that people have.

But let me ask you:
If you feel like you gave someone a "gift", and they neglected to thank you for a way that you wanted them to thank you (the WOW-factor)...would you be likely to give them another?

Sometimes the pat-on-the-back must be done by oneself.
Just don't go and throw your shoulder out of place! LOL

Re: Detailing for the non-enthusiastsp

Let me begin by saying that feeling appreciated is probably one of the most important needs that people have.

But let me ask you:
If you feel like you gave someone a "gift", and they neglected to thank you for a way that you wanted them to thank you (the WOW-factor)...would you be likely to give them another?

Sometimes the pat-on-the-back must be done by oneself.
Just don't go and throw your shoulder out of place! LOL


Well his "thank you", payment, and tip is pretty good appreciation imo. His expression was just not as enthusiastic as mine would have been I guess lol. Maybe he was high or just not a car enthusiast, but he sure was mellow. And to answer your question, probably not but I've already got a bad habit of going above and beyond. Also wish I could pat myself on the back more often but this carpal tunnel syndrome doesn't help.
Re: Detailing for the non-enthusiastsp

Sometimes the pat-on-the-back must be done by oneself.
Just don't go and throw your shoulder out of place! LOL


I agree.

DO the work and push the level of your craft for YOURSELF.

Those of us who do this professionally ALL know that the majority of people simply dont understand or dont care. I mean look at the average car. Its in swirl and bird etch purgatory!

Many have such tunnel vision focus that they hardly notice the drivers on either side of them. THIS we cannot change.

HOWEVER, they appreciated something you did for another that sparked them to give you business...this in itself is a compliment.. that they allowed you to care for their vehicle. A vehicle is pretty intimate extension of most people.

I would say that that for a particular tough customer you can attempt to show them some 50/50 shots... If they dont seem interested then the money is your reward...

I wouldnt let it get you down.. people are always gonna be people...

Do the work for you, first and foremost, youll know how well you did... anything else beyond personal satisfaction (take a TON of pics for yourself) is gravy!

~keep on buffin
Well maybe I'm just overly excited with the results I'm getting being new to this and all. Which I'd like to thank AG videos and this forum. Could be also that I've always found it frustrating that people buy nice things and don't take care of them lol.
Re: Detailing for the non-enthusiastsp

I agree.

DO the work and push the level of your craft for YOURSELF.

Those of us who do this professionally ALL know that the majority of people simply dont understand or dont care. I mean look at the average car. Its in swirl and bird etch purgatory!

Many have such tunnel vision focus that they hardly notice the drivers on either side of them. THIS we cannot change.

HOWEVER, they appreciated something you did for another that sparked them to give you business...this in itself is a compliment.. that they allowed you to care for their vehicle. A vehicle is pretty intimate extension of most people.

I would say that that for a particular tough customer you can attempt to show them some 50/50 shots... If they dont seem interested then the money is your reward...

I wouldnt let it get you down.. people are always gonna be people...

Do the work for you, first and foremost, youll know how well you did... anything else beyond personal satisfaction (take a TON of pics for yourself) is gravy!

~keep on buffin

LIKE ^...forums should have a LIKE button lol...nah nvm we got enough of that in FB.