Major Problem!!!


New member
Jun 28, 2007
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Well, after almost 10 hours of clean up I am still trying to figure out what happened. I have a Mr Clean Auto Dry gun that I use to "soap" the car before washing. (pic)

Was running low on the stocked with soap, so I poured a bit of Meguiars Gold Class shampoo & conditioner into the gun.
Squirted down the whole car w/ the soap mixture and did my normal wash and rinse.
Goto dry the car and the WHOLE CAR was left with a sticky, soapy residue that would not come off easily AT ALL!

Anyone know why they meg's totally ruined my weekend?
when car soap is put on in to heavy of a concentration it is much more dificult to wash off...kinda like dawn dish soap...ever put it on full strength straight on your hands and try you use it as hand soap? takes a while to rinse off...the auto dry soap is already pre-diluted in the bottle in comes in...the megs soap is way to concentrated to use through the auto dry gun...
Any tips on how do a stellar clean up job? I've got about 90% of it off, but what is left can only be seen if light reflects just right.
Not exactly a major problem, just rewash it using the correct amount of car wash and problem solved.
If only it was that easy....
The soap is stuck on the car. I've found that a nice spray of a QD and a very hard rub will remove it.
A full wash did not remove ANY of this stuff.

Strokin04 said:
Not exactly a major problem, just rewash it using the correct amount of car wash and problem solved.
Fight fire with fire...

I know this is not recommended but you might want to wash it with Dawn once. I did it before I clayed the car and polished it and it worked out fine for me.

The other option is to clay the car, I guess.
Clay didn't work.
You really have to rub this stuff HARD for it to come off.

gandblah said:
I know this is not recommended but you might want to wash it with Dawn once. I did it before I clayed the car and polished it and it worked out fine for me.

The other option is to clay the car, I guess.
Rubbing Alcohol & Water mixture maybe?

You'd probably have to rewax afterwards but I'd rather do that than have sap like soap mixture sitting on my paint.