PoorBoys Spray and Rinse Wheel Cleaner


New member
Nov 6, 2006
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Hey guys,
Just ordered this stuff and it came today. Absolutely awesome product! Question though, I used it on 2 wheels and it used quite abit of product, is there anything I can do so I don't use as much? Because I don't think I'll get much use out of the bottle..
Well you can probably use less product to start off with... and for not so dirty / caked on wheels you can dilute it 1/2 and 1/2 with water. It is a professional product so even diluting it it'll be potent.
I found it works best full strength, and you must heed directions. Wet and cool wheels, liberal spraying, allow to sit for two minutes and rinse. I will add my own thoughts, dont use weekly as very strong. Use DP or Poorboys Wheel Sealant afterwards and you will likely only need it monthly. Thus saving a nice amount in not using weekly.
Here are the pics, sorry it was night time


no scrubbing was needed, sprayed, waited, hosed it off, and thats it :)
Poorboy's Spray & Rinse is great stuff! :awesome:

As already suggested to make it more economical you could use less or use it less often. It's really overkill to use such a strong wheel cleaner on a regular basis. As already suggested if you seal your wheels you won't need such a strong wheel cleaner.

You might also want to consider switching to Meguiar's Wheel Brightener. It's $22 for a gallon of concentrate. IME diluted 3:1 Megs WB is a little more powerful than PB's S&R undiluted. Plus a gallon of concentrate diluted will make around 3-4 gallons of diluted cleaner. So, the Megs works out to be MUCH cheaper and more powerful.

Again though whichever wheel cleaner you use you don't need to use it too often. Seal your wheels and they'll clean much easier.
Getting products such as Meguiars Wheel Brightner and APC etc is kinda hard because you cant really find them in Australia, it sucks