pad opinions


New member
Mar 2, 2014
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Hey folks,

I been using the Lake Country CCS 5.5 pads, and though they do a great job, i been wondering what you all think of the lake country flat pads. Do they offer good correction ability versus the CCS pads?

Main reason i ask is because one of my buddies has a cyclo polisher, and that's all he uses on it and he highly suggests flat pads. I also notice they cost a bit less than the CCS pads. I'm not so much concerned with the added cost of the CCS pads vs. the flat pads, but more interested in correction ability. Opinions welcome!

Feed back please
Mainly i use a griot's 6, which is what i ordered from Autogeek some while back, sometimes i use my friend's porter cable 7424xp.
I actually prefer the CCS pads and I use a Flex 3401. I have tried the Hex Logic pads (#2 IMO) and the flat pads (#3). The CCS pads do the same amount of correction OR I have not noticed any difference when correcting. The Flat pads if not properly cleaned or maintained during the polishing/compounding process tended to get too much product on the pad to where it was losing its cutting/polishing ability.

It was a learning process. Either way, the technique trumps the product...I just had to learn a little more with the flat pads.

All of the pads I mentioned are in my arsenal.
@Kamakaz1961 Thanks for the suggestion, i haven't made the plunge yet to get a Flex, but have future plans to do so as i read it seems to be choice for correction (more power, less working time etc.) I haven't even tried the hex logic pads but i figure from using the CCS pads and liking what i see with them, i'll most likely stick with them as they seem to work fine for me.