What should I try now?


New member
Jan 8, 2007
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What a bummer! Had the day set aside to remove swirls. Stripped the lsp off, dried, started buffing. Turned on the halogen, and swirls still there. Crap.

Was using 106FF on 5" green LC CCS pad. Not touching the swirls. Tried Meguiars on the green LC. Wow, major marring. Switched to orange Edge 2000 and got rid of the marring but no help on swirls. Said to heck with it and put on a coat of P21S for now.

So, what to try now? SIP or something else? I have PO85RD I could use after the SIP to get the high gloss.

Also, if I look at the description of the LC pads, it looks like the orange is described as having more cut than the green, but by comparing the pads it doesn't appear that way. Am I reading this wrong?
The orange has a stronger cut...looks like it does not..but its the type of foam...106FF and a green pad cuts great..how long were you working the panel and how many times did you work it....

Al-53 said:
The orange has a stronger cut...looks like it does not..but its the type of foam...106FF and a green pad cuts great..how long were you working the panel and how many times did you work it....

Sure doesn't look like a stronger cut, feels softer and finer pores.

2 X 2 section, not sure how long, but the 106 was dusting pretty good. Did each section 2 - 3 times. At that rate it would take 2 days to do the car. Did the entire hood at least twice and some areas 3 times when I count the Edge pad.

I actually found one straight line and concentrated on it. No luck.
were you full bore on speed 6....if so try 5 ...see if that helps....then when your done with the pass..use 6 but move your pad a little faster over the paint..see if that helps....try with the orange or green....

PS..did you have a LC orange also..or just a Edge....I still think the edge orange is the same as other orange pads..not sure ..but think they are.....

I have a 4" LC orange, but just tried the Edge orange and LC green. I really thoght the 106 would do it, but it sure diidn't. My clear isn't supposed to be that hard.

Was on speed 5 -5.5.

Guess I could try the LC 4" orange on a small area and see what happens.

I will say the P21S does look good. Haven't used a carnuba in awhile.
you have any Opt polish..try a pea size glop with 3 of 106..the Opt will reduce dusting some and give a little longer work time

Don't have any optima but can get some if I need to.
LazerRed1 said:
Don't have any optima but can get some if I need to.
go look under sample exchange..I am sure you can get some from someone to test out. i would offer you, but that's one i don't have!

I also know your frustrations. The clear on my vette is rock hard and spider webbed!:(
If you can get som Opt try it.... may work better for you

heres a funny post from another site...shows how Menz can be finicky

Menzerna Ceramiclear- best polish or appallingly bad?
Monday - crap

Tuesday - crap

Wednesday - ace

Saturday - ace

I find this polish to be so unpredictable, so affected by the 'weather' and atmospheric conditions

But when it works - god dammit its the best by a country mile!!!

I found the same..it works one day..they next its a beast....

Meg's can be the same way also....
