D155 Over Cquartz UK


New member
Nov 11, 2013
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I just coated my truck (will post in Show and Shine when I have more than a few minutes).

My questions is after I wash my truck, can I use D155 quik detailer to make sure all the water spots are gone. I am not looking to top it or anything besides reload every few months, but I want to make sure the surface is free of everything, water spots, etc.

Thank you
I would not, reload is silica based just like the cquartz uk you applied. D155 has wax which might mess up the effect cquartz. Use d114 because it has no waxes in it. You can use it as a waterless wash at 1:56 ratio. Then every few months apply reload.
How soon do you plan on washing your vehicle?

-On one hand you say you're not looking to "top" the Coating...Except for, on the other hand, every few months with Reload.

-Since you surely believe that this Coating's characteristics are not going to be what you want as the grande finale-LSP...and, therefore: must be "topped"...
Then: Why not go ahead and also use D155 as a "topper", whenever you want? Or any other Wax/Sealant-QDs, for that matter?

I still say that there should be no
reason to have to "top" Coatings.

Repeat of Post...OOPS!

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Thanks guys. I only want to ensure all water spots r gone. Is there an appropriate quik detailer then?

Besides reload. I coated friday and want to wash come this saturday.
How soon do you plan on washing your vehicle?

-On one hand you say you're not looking to "top" the Coating...Except for, on the other hand, every few months with Reload.

-Since you surely believe that this Coating's characteristics are not going to be what you want as the grande finale-LSP...and, therefore: must be "topped"...
Then: Why not go ahead and also use D155 as a "topper", whenever you want? Or any other Wax/Sealant-QDs, for that matter?

I still say that there should be no
reason to have to "top" Coatings.


So....A vehicles clear coat protects the paint, a coating protects the CC and the topper protects the coating. What's going to protect the topper? Lol! :-)

This subject reminds me of a vehicle that came in for a correction last year and the owner had plastic over his carpets, factory floor mats over the plastic, and then some ugly clear vinyl floor mats over that. It was ridiculous! Carpets were spotless beneath all that though!
I don't think you will have any issue with any QD once the coating is cured - which I believe happens within a week or so with CQ (I have never used this coating - so this is speculation).

The coating is supposed to be supper tough and resistant to harsh detergents and extremes in pH. It's supposed to repel dirt, resist etching, and provide increased scratch resistance.

So why would a QD "mess it up"?

I guess theoretically, it's possible for it to alter the water behavior slightly, maybe until the first rain washes of most of the QD remnants.

First hand, I can tell you nothing really seems to effect OptiCoat. No QD or spray wax. The beading isn't diminished - the coating isn't affected. Maybe something else like a wax could, but I wouldn't worry too much about a QD.
Thanks guys. I only want to ensure all water spots r gone. Is there an appropriate quik detailer then?

Besides reload. I coated friday and want to wash come this saturday.
-Unless you're washing/drying in direct Sunlight...(causing your vehicle's panels to be warmer than should be for these tasks)...
Why should there be any water spots,on a CQUK-Coating,
that needs some kind of a "topper" to remove them?

Maintenance washes...In the shade:
-Wash; rinse with spray nozzle; rinse without spray nozzle (sheeting-method); pat dry with waffle weave MF-towel;
Enjoy the ride!!

Just curious:
What did you want for an LSP:
The CQUK...or a Sealant?

How soon do you plan on washing your vehicle?

-On one hand you say you're not looking to "top" the Coating...Except for, on the other hand, every few months with Reload.

-Since you surely believe that this Coating's characteristics are not going to be what you want as the grande finale-LSP...and, therefore: must be "topped"...
Then: Why not go ahead and also use D155 as a "topper", whenever you want? Or any other Wax/Sealant-QDs, for that matter?

I still say that there should be no
reason to have to "top" Coatings.


Because the waxes in the d155 can mess with the hydrophobic properties that cquartz has. Yes, you can wax it and it will be hydrophobic for a bit, but when that wears off there can be wax messing with the coating which will make it not hydrophobic anymore. I am not going to go into the details but it might mess with the coating. Ask Corey at carpro about it =)

From what I understand about reload is it does not really top the coating, but it adds to it. The silica in reloads adheres itself to the coating making it ever so slightly thicker and more durable. the coating themselves are 60-70% silica based and reload is 5%. So every time you apply it you are keeping up the coating, not really topping it =)
-On one hand you say you're not looking to "top" the Coating...Except for, on the other hand, every few months with Reload.

-Since you surely believe that this Coating's characteristics are not going to be what you want as the grande finale-LSP...and, therefore: must be "topped"...
I still say that there should be no
reason to have to "top" Coatings.

Bob - CQUK requires Reload. Its on the back of the CQUK bottle. If you apply CQUK and don't apply Reload after an hour, you are applying CQUK wrong. They are made to work together. IDK why - it just is what it is. Reload 1 hour after application, and every 3-4 months is required for CQUK.
Bob - CQUK requires Reload. Its on the back of the CQUK bottle. If you apply CQUK and don't apply Reload after an hour, you are applying CQUK wrong. They are made to work together. IDK why - it just is what it is. Reload 1 hour after application, and every 3-4 months is required for CQUK.

I don't believe that not applying reload after an hour is "wrong" in any way. In fact I never apply reload unless the vehicle will be subjected to moisture within the first 24 hours following the application of the coating. Perfect example, I had a vehicle that I CQUK'd last November (w/o reload) come in last week for a wash, decon, and coat of reload. After a wash, iron x soak, and light claying the CQUK was still completely intact and hydrophobic as ever. The coat of reload did it's thing to bring back the deep gloss and slick feel while reinforcing the coating.
It's wrong because you aren't following the manufacturer's instructions. My 2014 CQUK says to apply reload after an hour of application. Just because you get away with not doing it doesn't mean its "right" either.

I don't think anybody on here would advise to disregard the manufacturers instructions. The instructions say to use Reload, so if you don't use Reload, you are absolutely doing it wrong according to the manufacturer. Who better to tell you than the manufacturer. Telling people they shouldn't use Reload goes directly against the manufacturer's recommendation. That isn't very helpful, and hopefully members know that and value manufacturer's recommendation and instructions over what someone on the internet said. No insult to you of course, as you are very knowledgeable. 100% if you have premature coating failure then there is nobody to blame except...well...:D
It's wrong because you aren't following the manufacturer's instructions. My 2014 CQUK says to apply reload after an hour of application. Just because you get away with not doing it doesn't mean its "right" :D

I don't think anybody on here would advise to disregard the manufacturers instructions. The instructions say to use Reload, so if you don't use Reload, you are doing it wrong according to the manufacturer. Who better to tell you than the manufacturer. Telling people they shouldn't use Reload goes directly against the manufacturer's recommendation. That isn't very helpful, and hopefully members know that and value manufacturer's recommendation and instructions over what someone on the internet said. No insult to you of course. 100% if you have premature coating failure then there is nobody to blame except...well...:D

I would be interested in seeing the life and overall performance of the coating with and without using Reload on it ever. Dang it Just, why didn't you Reload half and not the other half so we can compare?! :laughing: Even though it has only been 6 months so a longevity test wouldn't even start until the 2 year mark for CQUK.

I have other CQ'd vehicles coming back in the next few weeks, some with reload and some without. I'm quite curious to see if the ones with reload have any less contaminants than the ones without .
I have other CQ'd vehicles coming back in the next few weeks, some with reload and some without. I'm quite curious to see if the ones with reload have any less contaminants than the ones without .
But how long since application? I would expect the one that followed the manufacturers instructions to last longer than one that didn't. But it may take 2 years to see it!
Bob - CQUK requires Reload. Its on the back of the CQUK bottle. If you apply CQUK and don't apply Reload after an hour, you are applying CQUK wrong. They are made to work together. IDK why - it just is what it is. Reload 1 hour after application, and every 3-4 months is required for CQUK.
Not going to say that's not what's on the CQUK bottle...
But: Are you absolutely sure about Reload being a necessary step in CQUK's application? That CQUK actually requires Reload?

as a guy here said as well, if there is no rain expected after coating , its not necessary to use it,

Reload is additional not another step in the coating procedure.

CQUK itself when no rain can be ok as well.
but ofcourse will help for securing water spotting during initial dry time

If the directions for applying Coatings were to be faithfully followed; and along with allowing the total time for their curing to occur:
There'd Be No "Need"...To "Top" Coatings!!

Interesting. There seems to be some discrepancy coming from the same camp. What you quoted vs. that of the instructions, various CarPro sites, and from CarPro US. And I did read what you quoted during my research and can confirm that the quoted opinion is the anomaly in the [mostly] otherwise consensus of opinions from the CarPro camp, which state to 100% use Reload.

I did my vigilant research on CQUK before I purchased it (as I do for every single product), and I found several examples straight from various CarPro sources (websites, people, etc.) that said "absolutely" to using Reload. That is where I learned CQUK is made to work in conjunction with Reload, whereas CQ topped with Reload is the traditional "topping" of a "coating" you are referring to. Also in my research, I found that significantly more people who apply CQUK apply it per instructions and use Reload than those who do not use Reload. Definitely not a jab at those who do not (and I'm glad some don't since it allowed me to verify that CQUK's hydrophobic properties). You pick what to believe I guess. Meanwhile, I'll stick to the overwhelming consensus, and better yet, the manufacturer's instructions. You can't argue with that.

I can type in bold too.
You pick what to believe I guess.
Meanwhile, I'll stick to the overwhelming consensus,

and better yet, the manufacturer's instructions.
You can't argue with that.

I can type in bold too.

I won't argue that:
Avi@CarPro is the person responsible
for the "manufacturer's" instructions!!

He, of all people, does know best:
What the correct application and curing instructions
really are for his products...including the Coatings!

I do like to, every now and then, take typing-in-bold
to the next level: Typing using Italics.
(I'll even: Type-using-color, when in the mood.)

Bob (aka: "The Kaleidoscope Kid") :laughing:
Lol haha, showing off that vibrant personality I see :laughing:

I don't understand what you are trying to say in the first part. He is responsible for the manufacturer's instructions? Or he isn't? :shrug: (If he is, then him contradicting them doesn't make much sense).

I can not deny or confirm Avi knows best, as I've never spoken with him. But what you quoted goes against what the rest of the company is saying online. I'll believe the whole before the single person.

So come application time, I have to pick a side, and I'm going with the side that has a lot more people (and online presence) vouching for it - which is use it with Reload. One post from one person doesn't outweigh all the research I have done. (Even if that person is from CarPro, I have various other CarPro sources that say to use Reload). During my conversation with Corey he said (paraphrasing) you don't have to use Reload with CQUK if you don't want to (makes sense since you can also wash your car with sand if you want to :laughing:), but Corey said to prolong the life of the coating and help it maintain its properties, use Reload. Corey absolutely recommended it at 1 hour after application and he said to reapply ever 3-4 months. Corey also confirmed what I found in my research, which is CQUK is meant to be used in conjunction with Reload. Thus, it is on the manufacturer's instructions.

So I say again: you can't argue with manufacturer's instructions. After all, the company knows their product best.

Taking into account everything I have learned and discovered in my research, I've come to the conclusion that CQUK with Reload is optimal. No matter how many colors, bold, or even the coveted italic text (:laughing: :xyxthumbs:), you will not convince me otherwise.