Paint Sealant and Carnuba Wax


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Apr 27, 2014
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I have a general question regarding Sealant versus Wax. I read the write up on AG about wax versus sealants and found it very informative. I have always used carnuba wax and just recently started using sealant on my every day driver because of the durability qualities of sealants. I was surprised that some people use wax after they seal their vehicle. I was curious as to how the wax would be effective after paint sealant application? According to AG....
"Paint sealants sit on top of the paint like a transparent chain metal suit"

If this is the case, how will the wax penetrate the sealant? Wouldn't it sort of "block" the wax from being absorbed into the paint? I am thinking in a purely scientific way. Just curious.
I intend to do the full treatment (sealant/wax combo) on my wife's truck. I don't doubt the people on here and I use all the reviews as my basis for trying products. I have come to love this site! Thanks for any input
People who top a sealant with a wax generally aren't doing it for more durability, but for the look of carnauba wax.
If this is the case, how will the wax penetrate the sealant? Wouldn't it sort of "block" the wax from being absorbed into the paint? I am thinking in a purely scientific way. Just curious.

Wax can bond to sealants just as it can to bare paint. Read up on synergistic compatibility as that one could tickle your analytical side for a bit longer. :)
So first up, wax won't penetrate sealant, certainly not in any significant way. It will chemically bond to it, but it's probably best to consider it to be a separate entity in reality. As I said in an earlier post, wax is very much a sacrificial layer. Put simply, sealants are intended to deflect and resist contaminants, whereas waxes due to their soft nature, will absorb and retain contaminants (think of wax as body armour and sealant as a bomb shelter). So both protect, but in different ways. Because sealants require a chemically clean surface to adhere to, it's always best to apply sealants first and then top with wax rather than visa versa. Most waxes should be removed and replaced at 3 month intervals, whereas sealants can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.
Hope this helps :xyxthumbs:
Don't know about sealants lasting 2 years. You might be lumping sealants and coatings into same category. As others have said, wax on top of sealant is typically more for looks and an additional sacrificial layer to further protect the sealant (probably extends its life too). I've started just putting wax mainly on the front bumper and hood now that the bugs are here. I can easily reapply every month or so to continue to protect the sealant underneath.

consider using a wax from the same family as your sealant for best cross-linking. For example, I use BF Midnight Sun on top of BFWD/BFCS.