View Full Version : what wax should I use

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05-30-2014, 12:05 PM
so i currently use meguiars ultimate paste wax because it does a very good job and is on the cheaper side when it comes to waxes. but i would like to be able to give my customers another option when it comes to waxing im looking for something around the 60 dollar range most of the people i detail for are once a year kinda of customers so i want something that combines shine with sealant. like the meguiars ultimate paste wax but something a little better if there is such a thing.

05-30-2014, 12:10 PM
Let me get in before the cult and just say Collinite 845 - guarantee you will get at least 50 responses on this option.

05-30-2014, 12:12 PM
I cant speak for longevity, but I just applied the chemical Guys factory sealant to my vehicle and the finish was nice and shiny. I applied it by hand but it can also be applied using a polishing pad and you can apply more than one coat. I only did one as it was my first time using this product which is why I chose my own vehicle to test it on. I was happy with the results. It took very little product and the product actually smells good... minty

05-30-2014, 12:13 PM
Let me get in before the cult and just say Collinite 845 - guarantee you will get at least 50 responses on this option.
what makes collinite 845 so good

05-30-2014, 12:15 PM
i was also maybe thinking about cg 50/50

05-30-2014, 12:26 PM
Some I've personally use and like that are around that price range are:

Pete's 53

Collinite 915

NaviWax Ultimate or Dark

Blackfire Midnight Sun


Bilt Hamber Finis

Dodo Juice Blue Velvet Pro

All this being said, it's really hard to beat Collinite 915 for the factors that make a great wax. BF MS is another one I really can't see going wrong with. NaviWax is really excellent stuff - too bad you have to buy it from Ireland or Japan.

05-30-2014, 12:29 PM
Some I've personally use and like that are around that price range are:

Pete's 53

Collinite 915

NaviWax Ultimate or Dark

Blackfire Midnight Sun


Bilt Hamber Finis

Dodo Juice Blue Velvet Pro

All this being said, it's really hard to beat Collinite 915 for the factors that make a great wax. BF MS is another one I really can't see going wrong with. NaviWax is really excellent stuff - too bad you have to buy it from Ireland or Japan.
how is the ease of apllication for collinite 915

05-30-2014, 12:40 PM
Dodo juice all the way, if you can get it at a reasonable price in the US. The 'core eight' waxes are all excellent, but the SN Hybrid is truly exceptional. That said, Son1c's waxes are worthy of serious consideration. I've had a sample of the 93 through recently which I was very impressed with, and just today received a sample of Protobead. I'm away at the weekend for a few days, but will be reviewing it ASAP once I'm back. You may have to wait a while for those to hit the shelves of course:xyxthumbs:

05-30-2014, 01:12 PM
so i currently use meguiars ultimate paste wax because it does a very good job and is on the cheaper side when it comes to waxes. but i would like to be able to give my customers another option when it comes to waxing im looking for something around the 60 dollar range most of the people i detail for are once a year kinda of customers so i want something that combines shine with sealant. like the meguiars ultimate paste wax but something a little better if there is such a thing.

Take a look at the Current Waxes being offered on the Wax Sale. :xyxthumbs:

Another great option would be to give Drew's (SON1C) Phoenix Wax a go :props:

05-30-2014, 01:27 PM
Col 845 is a great, long lasting, easy to apply sealant if I am not mistaken. "Waxes" take many different forms, don't limit yourself to just "wax" and look at the sealants that are out there as well. Some great products:

Megs 26 (yellow wax)
Col 845
Wolfgang deep gloss sealant
megs 21 (poly sealant)

Many many out there to choose from.

05-30-2014, 01:34 PM
Collinite 845.
Very easy to apply by machine and by hand
Long lasting, very little goes a very long way
Good value product, good longevity

05-30-2014, 04:25 PM
Take a look at the Current Waxes being offered on the Wax Sale. :xyxthumbs:

Another great option would be to give Drew's (SON1C) Phoenix Wax a go :props:

I was one of the beta testers for for the new son1c wax and loved it but its a little out of my price range

05-30-2014, 04:36 PM
I have to say coly 845 has become one of my go to. Look, longevity, application. 915 is a little more tricky to apply, thin, thin thin on both 845 and 915. 845 you can do multiple panels or entire car and go back and buff. 915 panel at a time and buff before haze or you will hate life. Apply and remove no wait. It is a good wax just takes some getting used to. Four drops 845 on red pad kiss 2 -3-4 panels at a time and good to go. I'm not a true cult member as I have and use lots of sealants, waxes /coatings etc. but will say I do use them regularly.

05-30-2014, 04:40 PM
how is the ease of apllication for collinite 915

It's extremely easy for me. I'm not sure why someone would have any issue with it. It spreads well and buffs off easily. I've done half the car and buffed it off - still easy. I guess I apply it thinner than most people.

05-30-2014, 04:48 PM
One of the things I love about the dodo juice waxes is their forgiving nature. The core eight will all buff off as easily after 24 hours as they will after twenty minutes. Plus they smell great, I'm seriously addicted to sniffing blue velvet lol