Microfiber Detergent for Family Washer


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Nov 23, 2013
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The debate between MF detergent and regular detergent has gone on a while. This is not what this thread is about.
My question is this:
In a washing machine that sees fabric softener and other types of detergents, is MF detergent a smart option to clear out the softener/detergents used prior? Sometimes there is not time to do a bleach load to clean the washer, and sometimes there is not time to break down the compound/polish/LSP by presoaking towels in APC.
I appreciate you guys' opinions and suggestions for MF detergents if you have any. I have a front load HE (High Efficiency) washer.

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I have to use the family washer. I fill the fabric softener to the top with white vinegar and run on a large load cold water. This will clean out the fabric softener.
When I was my MF's I use CG MF wash. I put 2 teaspoons of white vinegar per towel ( you can eyeball this. I just make sure my MF's don't smell like vinegar after the wash.) in the fabric softener cup this helps to ensure that all family detergent and fabric softeners are removed from your towels during the rinse cycle. I have been doing this for years and never ruined any towels.
I have not tested this on my Fast Glass towels yet but they do not like the family washer. I just do those by hand MF wash. Rinse, Teaspoon of white vinegar soak for 1/2 hour rinse and line dry.
You may have to contact manufacturers of MF detergents or ask advice here about and HE washer. I do not have one.
I've never thought to fill the fabric softener compartment up with white vinegar. I'll have to give that a try next time. What I've read to do is, fill the wash with half a gallon of white vinegar, on a medium cycle with warm water. This is supposed to get rid of the leftover fabric softener on the walls of your washer.
I do a full wash and Scrub with a gallon of vinegar large load. Let it fill scrub everything down and run an extra rinse cycle. For general get rid of residue before MF wash I just fill the fabric softener cup.