Do not use this method on your car!!!!

I don't need to use this method because my local car dealer does it this way for me whenever I go in for service.
I have seen this before, I love the way he primes his pad.:buffing:
Unbelievable and if i was just a little naive i would be even more mortified! I agree with RTexas...This HAS to be satirical! What hit me at first was the Valvoline on the hood, quickly followed by rubbing and banging the hood with his ring finger then the BEST...RUBBING HIS WOOL PAD ACROSS THE GROUND! And that was just the first 30 seconds or so.

The problem is there are those out there who are non AutoGeekonians who might think they are seeing a pro expousing expert advice and actually might try his techniques.

Edit: ok, i admit to posting here after watching only about a minute of the video. Progress through the entire vid and it is unmistakenly clear THIS IS A SPOOF!!!

However my cautionary comment above still stands...the power of the internet might dupe some unwitting viewers into actually doing this!
That is great satire! For the first minute I actually believed he was serious!

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Remember something that Mike Phillips always says; "If you find something that works, stick with it"...........or something like that.....:laughing:
Remember something that Mike Phillips always says; "If you find something that works, stick with it"...........or something like that.....:laughing:

Even though it wasn't what we thought some may see the very beginning and take off to their shed for oil and a bucket of dirt.

Oh well if their that naive I suppose they've done worst.
I used to listen to the Phil Hendrie radio show some years back and the "duping" of America amazed me. He would get progressively more ridiculous with his "guest" during the bit to the point that even the dullest bulb on the tree should realize it's a put on and yet, still, he would get calls from absolutely irate listeners who were outraged at what his "guest" was saying in the interview! Absolute hilarity.
I don't need to use this method because my local car dealer does it this way for me whenever I go in for service.


LOL!! Me too!! I let them know that I will give them a 5 Star review if they do not touch my car!! Good quote!!
Guys, if someone actually watches this and then runs out their garage then I say that is natural selection at work.

Pretty funny stuff!
This is great stuff.

And yeah, anyone naive\foolish\stupid enough to do this deserves what they get. When I worked in law enforcement we referred to it as job security.