Compatibility of KSG and Opti Seal


New member
Jul 5, 2014
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I probably missed what's been answered numerous times before, but I am hoping for some experience and insight.

I am a Klasse guy, and still stick with the twins for the desert climate. I periodically re-top/touch-up the cars with KSG every 2-3 months or so (KSG is currently the LSP), but I'd like to use Opti Seal in-between those SG top-ups. I am concerned with the ability of SG to bond to the surface after OS has been applied. Should the two play nice or would I need to AIO before using KSG again?

Thank you!
SG is notoriously finicky about bonding, so the safe answer is no. On the other hand, I'm not sure why you would want to go back to SG after using Opti-Seal, just put down more Opti-Seal.
SG is notoriously finicky about bonding, so the safe answer is no. On the other hand, I'm not sure why you would want to go back to SG after using Opti-Seal, just put down more Opti-Seal.
Thank you for the reply, sir! I didn't realize that OS was that well liked!

I haven't been as impressed with OS' longevity as I am with KSG. Perhaps it's a variable on my end, or the climate (S. AZ. It was 112* a couple of days ago before the monsoons started).
Anecdotal story not related to the original question: after 6 months, KSG is still going strong on a car that gets no top-ups and sits outside all day long. I am not sure that OC would hold up as well (I very much welcome peoples' thoughts and experiences).

Is it the consensus that doing a coat of OS every 2 months would protect as well as a coat of SG every 2-3 months?

I'm somewhat well-versed with KSG (been using it for 10 years) but simply am not with OS.

Thank you again. :xyxthumbs:
I must have missed it in your OP:
What is/are the reason(s) you would like to use Opti-Seal?

I must have missed it in your OP:
What is/are the reason(s) you would like to use Opti-Seal?


I have two bottles of OS and I do like its ease of use.

I like the durability of SG, whereas OS was not nearly as durable in my experience.

If OS will not hinder future SG applications, there's no reason to let the OS sit on the shelf unused when I can be using it to boost protection (especially relevant if contaminates degrade the SG. The boost in UV protection would be nice as well).
I have two bottles of OS and I do like its ease of use.

I like the durability of SG, whereas OS was not nearly as durable in my experience.

If OS will not hinder future SG applications, there's no reason to let the OS sit on the shelf unused when I can be using it to boost protection (especially relevant if contaminates degrade the SG. The boost in UV protection would be nice as well).
I also don't like unused car-care products sitting on the shelf.

I'll suggest:
1.) Try the OS again (you say you like its ease of use)...
and then try the SG when you believe OS has run its course (you state it's not as durable as SG in your experience)...
and let us know how it works out.

2.) Only use OS until you run out of it.
You can either procure more OS and then forego the SG.


3.) Leave OS completely out of the equation.
