Looking for Recommendations for New Products (Polish, Sealant, etc.) for a Change


New member
Sep 2, 2012
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Hi all,

I am looking to changing out the products that I currently use and am up for some suggestions to what you have found to be better. Currently I am using Pinacle Paint Cleansing Lotion and Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant v2.

What do you all like out there that would give a deeper reflection and last longer or am I at a good combo here?


You have a great combo for light duty, so maybe stick with the Wolfgang line, but add the swirl remover. Also if you want another sealant, I really like Sonax Polymernetshield.

You have a great combo for light duty, so maybe stick with the Wolfgang line, but add the swirl remover. Also if you want another sealant, I really like Sonax Polymernetshield.


Thanks for the reply. Yep - forgot to mention that the paint is in excellent condition so don't need any correction; just clean it before reapplying the sealant. I use the Pinnacle for cleaning the paint and removing everything before applying the sealant. After claying it of course.
I've tried many products and can tell you that my two favorite sealants are WG deep gloss paint sealant and Sonax Netshield and in my opinion, coatings are the next step up. Try CQUK! You'll love it!
Recently coated my daily driver (silver) with CQUK and the other (black) with PBL Coating. Both are TOP NOTCH and give you that glassy/mirror shine. CQUK recommends using ERASER before coating and PBL recommends PBL Surface Cleansing Polish.

Do your research on coatings and watch videos of the application process if this is your first time out...especially with CQUK and warmer weather.
Thanks all for your replies. What are your thoughts of Optima Paint Guard Plus?