Tropical Storms


New member
Mar 3, 2006
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A friend of my wife has a condo available in Fortmyers Florida for June & July.

My wife tells me no one goes during this month due to Florida storms,so is this true. Are you guys experiencing bad weather during these months or is she messing with me because she dosen't want to go.

btw,How far is AG from Ft Myers. Please dont lamb bast me for this. I have'nt been out of Illinois but a few times.:o
joe.p said:
A friend of my wife has a condo available in Fortmyers Florida for June & July.

My wife tells me no one goes during this month due to Florida storms,so is this true. Are you guys experiencing bad weather during these months or is she messing with me because she dosen't want to go.

btw,How far is AG from Ft Myers. Please dont lamb bast me for this. I have'nt been out of Illinois but a few times.:o
We are a good three hours I would say, plus turn on the weather channel, west coast is experiencing what we like to call a small hurricane.:D Fla in the summer??? Well do you like to live on the edge, and do you enjoy 150mph winds, if so pack a bag!:o
Meghan said:
We are a good three hours I would say, plus turn on the weather channel, west coast is experiencing what we like to call a small hurricane.:D Fla in the summer??? Well do you like to live on the edge, and do you enjoy 150mph winds, if so pack a bag!:o
I'm Game, Sounds like fun. ,but not the kind of vacation i was plannig :p .
I was in Florida a couple of years ago in Aug, If i'm not mistaking it was after a big storm The water was loaded with plent of green/red floates.
At the same time i remember driving and the sky turned green and it started raining 5 gallon buckets,but it ended real quick..We where going to the swamps to see aligators. I loved it in florida. I would love to live there but sure couldn't work in the heat. I stayed in the pool during the day and went down to the water at night..
Dang, I guess I didn't realize how often those storms attack you guys. Stay safe! Better yet, move AG to San Diego. Perfect SD weather right now. :D
Storms = big waves for surfing and jumping with waverunners, me likey:D

Now when a Hurricane is just hitting, ehhh, not fun. Big waves, but your skin feels like a sander is on you from the wind and sand. Cops are not fond of people crossing A1A :D
Surfer said:
Storms = big waves for surfing and jumping with waverunners, me likey:D

Now when a Hurricane is just hitting, ehhh, not fun. Big waves, but your skin feels like a sander is on you from the wind and sand. Cops are not fond of people crossing A1A :D
Surfer i promise not to cross any A1A,not sure what it is. Maybe a boundry line for wave runners :D
Surfer, stay safe out there in the big waves. They always warn people about those storm waves, and for good reason.
a1a is a road that goes down the east coast of florida. every great surf spot is on that road really.

i just went surfing yesterday in st. pete... shoulda wore a rashgaurd....oh man does it hurt now!

im really not scared of hurricanes. unless its a 4 or 5, we wont go and we live on the gulf coast!:righton:
Sounds like you FL and gulf coast surfers have more guts than the Southern California surfers do.
Living across the beach has it perks, peek out for cops, then make a run for it durring Hurricanes:D. When I get a chance I'll post up pics from 7-8 years ago or whenever it was that Hurricane Floyd skirted our coast (think I was in 10th grade?). Moms buddy and I took the ski's out, jumping 15+ ft swells. Took the boat out as well for pics, guess were just crazy :righton:
Surfer said:
Living across the beach has it perks, peek out for cops, then make a run for it durring Hurricanes:D. When I get a chance I'll post up pics from 7-8 years ago or whenever it was that Hurricane Floyd skirted our coast (think I was in 10th grade?). Moms buddy and I took the ski's out, jumping 15+ ft swells. Took the boat out as well for pics, guess were just crazy :righton:
15 ft swells. I took my daughter out on a wave runner in calm waters but very deep. scared the crap out me because i couldn't find the seat belt on those damn things :p j/k
Meghan said:
We are a good three hours I would say, plus turn on the weather channel, west coast is experiencing what we like to call a small hurricane.:D Fla in the summer??? Well do you like to live on the edge, and do you enjoy 150mph winds, if so pack a bag!:o
Yep, although it seems to have started early this year.
Where in Ft. Myers is the condo?
when florida gets waves, we really disregard all hazards and go for it. its always a split second thing for us. check the report online, call somebody and have boards loaded and out of the house 10 minutes later and driving a few hours through wind and rain for choppy rainy waves that pound you because there is no "break" to get past. its like hours of paddling in the opposite direction of the wind to stay somewhat near where you went in. and its totally worth every second! oh and the next day is nothing but sore muscles and nipple rash from paddling on the board:awesome:
Surfer said:
Living across the beach has it perks, peek out for cops, then make a run for it durring Hurricanes:D. When I get a chance I'll post up pics from 7-8 years ago or whenever it was that Hurricane Floyd skirted our coast (think I was in 10th grade?). Moms buddy and I took the ski's out, jumping 15+ ft swells. Took the boat out as well for pics, guess were just crazy :righton:
Meghan said:

4:42 AM! Girl.... You sure were up early this morning. I thought i was the
only one that had to wake up the chickens.
belcherm58 said:
4:42 AM! Girl.... You sure were up early this morning. I thought i was the
only one that had to wake up the chickens.
Yeah well I am an early bird!:awesome:
joe.p said:
I loved it in florida. I would love to live there but sure couldn't work in the heat.
I used to feel the same way but it's getting out of hand the amount of people moving there. Not only that insurance goes up every year by a nice sum. Sadly I couldn't take it any more I had to leave I was miserable there. To answer your question Fl is notorius for the summer storms and they all seem to appear at 4 pm everyday.
BTW Alberto has just reached me here in North Charleston,SC with tornado warnings on t.v and I was hoping leaving FL it would be a while before I had to deal with big storm :(
Stay safe and hopefully everyone makes it through this unharmed and without any damage!