Question About Detail Sprays and Spray Waxes


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Jul 22, 2014
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Hi everyone,

First off I've searched around and found tons of info on the subject but my question is just a little bit different then what I have found. I'm wondering strictly about after you wash your car and using them both as a drying aid. Specifically I'm talking about Griot's Garage Speed shine and spray wax products. I was thinking there would never be a reason to use Speed Shine over the spray wax if they both can be used as a drying aid right? Currently I use the speed shine, but I'm thinking of switching and that is the reason for my post. Then I thought, well if I used the spray wax every time I washed maybe I'd build up too much wax? Wasn't sure so thought I'd ask as I couldn't find this exact question in my searching. Also would there ever be a reason to use the speed shine as the drying aid instead of the spray wax since the car would be clean? Thanks for any clarification.
Depends on what your desire is really, I don't use any quick detailers much unless I'm cleaning off some bird ish/fresh insects. I'm currently applying Megs UQW to my wife's pilot once/month...but with no QD in between cause it really doesn't need it.

Also the longevity of the product--if you're using a spray wax and its lasts 1 month, then only apply once/month. You can use a QD in between apps if you want I guess. Or if you have a strong non-spray LSP on your car already, you can keep using the Speed Shine and not worry about a spray wax.
Hi everyone,

First off I've searched around and found tons of info on the subject but my question is just a little bit different then what I have found. I'm wondering strictly about after you wash your car and using them both as a drying aid. Specifically I'm talking about Griot's Garage Speed shine and spray wax products. I was thinking there would never be a reason to use Speed Shine over the spray wax if they both can be used as a drying aid right? Currently I use the speed shine, but I'm thinking of switching and that is the reason for my post. Then I thought, well if I used the spray wax every time I washed maybe I'd build up too much wax? Wasn't sure so thought I'd ask as I couldn't find this exact question in my searching. Also would there ever be a reason to use the speed shine as the drying aid instead of the spray wax since the car would be clean? Thanks for any clarification.

Groits Garage speed shine and spray wax both can be used as an drying aid though if you want to lessen the use of the speed shine then you would want to use the spray wax every other wash so that you extend the life of your current wax, sealant, lsp but not over due it, and by using speed shine or any quick detailer helps neutralize the water on the paintwork but also helps clean the paintwork even more eliminating those missed spots during your washing procedure to none or almost none
Depends on what your desire is really, I don't use any quick detailers much unless I'm cleaning off some bird ish/fresh insects. I'm currently applying Megs UQW to my wife's pilot once/month...but with no QD in between cause it really doesn't need it.

Also the longevity of the product--if you're using a spray wax and its lasts 1 month, then only apply once/month. You can use a QD in between apps if you want I guess. Or if you have a strong non-spray LSP on your car already, you can keep using the Speed Shine and not worry about a spray wax.

Thanks for the reply. I use Adam's Buttery Wax and Brilliant Glaze, so it is not the strongest out there, but the car is mostly a garage queen. I'm thinking of switching to another wax though b/c I'm getting this weird "hazing" as I wipe anything on the paint, for just a second, it will go cloudy and then disappear to a brilliant shine. I have no idea what this is, but I'm assuming it is the LSP, it would have to be. I can go out and wipe the paint with a dry cloth and then the cloudiness, then it will go away, weird as hell, I've never been able to figure it out, but it only started when using these Adam's products together. Could be the glaze I guess.

Groits Garage speed shine and spray wax both can be used as an drying aid though if you want to lessen the use of the speed shine then you would want to use the spray wax every other wash so that you extend the life of your current wax, sealant, lsp but not over due it, and by using speed shine or any quick detailer helps neutralize the water on the paintwork but also helps clean the paintwork even more eliminating those missed spots during your washing procedure to none or almost none

Thanks for the reply, that sounds like a good idea, every other rinseless wash use the spray wax to boost. I also agree that using a detail spray aids in if you missed anything as a precaution where the wax wouldn't I guess. It just seemed to me if they both did the same thing drying wise, then using the wax would add more protection/gloss I would think so it seemed silly to use the speed shine. I don't really use a QD for removing dust, I tend to just rinseless wash the panel/whole car when it is dusty, I've never felt good about the times I've sprayed a QD over a lightly dusted panel and wiped, ahhhhh, like nails on a chalkboard lol.
From the Griot's website. Spray-On Wax on a wet vehicle and Speed Shine on a dry vehicle.

"Spray-On Wax
Extends the life of your natural waxes and paint sealants. Apply Spray-On wax right after you've washed and rinsed your car. Just spray on and wipe off as you're towel drying the vehicle. What could be simpler? Enjoy the best!"

"Speed Shine
Keep any painted surface clean and brilliant! Speed Shine is a perfect between-washes cleaner for your vehicles. A quick mist and light toweling removes dust and other foreign residue and leaves behind a brilliant surface."
I use the wizards mist n shine, im pretty sure it doesnt contain wax. But the #### is AHHHMazing