Cleaning undercarrigage/wheel wells


New member
Oct 13, 2013
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Hi all,

Can you recommend any products that will help turn my dirty and faded black undercarriage/wheel well trim to help restore a nice clean and deep black colour?

Looking forward to your feedback :)
Clean with a brush and APC.

Use Wolfgang exterior trim sealant on the plastic bits.
Ditto on the brush and APC. Griot's undercarriage spray works well, too.
Another vote on the previous post also a presser washer or strong stream of water(pistol nozzle) also helps knock and or loosen the dirt build-up
A good apc scrubbing and I use CG Bare Bones. Quick dressing. I think most prefer long term sealants now though for that area!
I've always cleaned them with APC & Wheel Woolies. I've not had great experiences with spraying them down with "dressings", because dirt sticks to most dressings - leaving them dirtier and nastier to clean next time.

I'll be posting a write up of doing wheel well plastics with CarPro's DLux in the next week or so. Since the wheel wells take a lot of impacts from rocks and junk on the the road - I'm not sure how long they will remain nice looking.

But I'm going to give it a shot. I've already got the car up on 4 jack stands and the wheels pulled. Just need to change my brake fluid first.
I like APC 1:4 (like megs or blackfire) or Amazing Roll Off 1:1. Blast rinse first as others mention to get most of the grit and larger chunks rinsed out. Spray and let soak 30-60 seconds then hit with fenderwell brush. I use a water-based dressing which dries to a nice satin finish and doesn't attract all the crap a silicone-based dressing does. If you don't want to use a dressing, ARO is a little better choice as it will leave the plastic a little more black than APC, in my experience.
Zep citrus apc or purple power are two great OTC all purpose cleaners though meguiars d101 is a perfect too
Ditto on the brush and APC. Griot's undercarriage spray works well, too.

