Meguiars Black Wax...Issues?


New member
Aug 10, 2014
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Has anyone experienced any issues with the Megs Black or White wax?

I used the black wax a couple weeks ago and had pretty good results with it. I put it back on my chemical shelf in the garage, standing upright, and left it there.

Today, I finally cracked open my White Wax, and went to town on my Fusion (came out great, btw). When it was all said and done, I went to move the Black Wax to make room for the White Wax, and was surprised when I noticed an oily fluid seeping from around the cap. If I had to guess, it was maybe a 1/2 to 3/4 of an ounce of fluid, and had an oily consistency.

Then I remembered that when I applied the white wax to my pad, there was a little bit of oily fluid that came out with the wax as I squeezed it out.

My concern is that there were some oils that were supposed to be embedded into the wax, and now they have leaked out and now the product will not be as good as it should me. Anyone have any experience with this product/issue?
Sounds like product separated from not begin used in a while a way to lessen this is shake everything in a liquid state every few day or once every week to keep everything together but your waxes should be alright groits garage sealant did the same when I was useing it back in the day all I did was give it a good shake and it was like new
Thanks for the feedback James. I didn't have this problem when I popped the seal less than 2 weeks ago, but since the product is in a metal toothpaste-like tube, and called a paste wax, not only is there really no way to shake it up, but I really didn't think you would have to.

The tube is out in my garage, and it's after midnight local time, by I don't recall any special instructions on the container.

I'm just wondering if the product is ruined now because of all that oil running out.
I don't think the product is ruin it could be the oil from the wax itself you can always test it out thought try placeing it upright to see if the amount of oil lessen
Sounds like product separated from not begin used in a while a way to lessen this is shake everything in a liquid state every few days or once every week to keep everything together but your waxes should be alright

What if you bought so many products on sale it takes more than a few days to shake everything? Do you just start over when you are done? I think my employer needs to include, along with sick and personal days, "shaking days".
What if you bought so many products on sale it takes more than a few days to shake everything? Do you just start over when you are done? I think my employer needs to include, along with sick and personal days, "shaking days".

This is the dilemma I'm faced with.

my white wax always leaks no matter how I store it. It's now stored in a plastic bag
shake the snot out of it, should be fine again.

As mentioned, this product is thick and comes in a metal tube

It cannot be shaken

I do not believe this is an issue that will affect the performance of the product

If it is still bothering you after the next application, call Meguiar's Customer Service, they are very well trained and helpful. The phone number is on the tube
As mentioned, this product is thick and comes in a metal tube

It cannot be shaken

I do not believe this is an issue that will affect the performance of the product

If it is still bothering you after the next application, call Meguiar's Customer Service, they are very well trained and helpful. The phone number is on the tube

I reached out to them in Facebook last night, and received the following answer this morning:

Meguiar's Hi Bob - Yes, this is actually perfectly normal for this product and we do understand that it can be a bit frustrating or disconcerting when it happens. Rest assured, however, that the product is still viable and perfectly safe to use.

Looks like I'm good to go! Im the MAN