How do I clean stubborn stain on faux leather seat?


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Jul 5, 2014
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How do I clean stubborn stain from faux leather? My dog left a paw print on the seat which I can't clean. I used interior detail solution, bleach, dish soap an water without success.

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Another vote for apc or a steamer, and if you don't have you could always try placing a very warm damp towel on the area for a moment then with your foam brush/apc agitate, and wipe the foam lather away, and repeat if necessary
Although I would love to give you a positive suggestion to your issue, I find myself thinking that you have done a LOT and was not successful. I would have been the first to suggest APC however you tried bleach already which is highly alkaline (pH 12) which is equal to straight APC, so I am at a lost to offer a suggestion. You've used mild detergents, heavier detergent with dish soap, and have even used bleach..... Dunno brother!