Help an old Member perhaps? Final polish?


New member
May 14, 2006
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Whew, been many moons my old pals! I have lurked here and there getting some advice, but sorry, haven't posted.
I'll keep it short and I thank you all in advance for any suggestions.
Haven't done a vehicle in awhile that needed a heavier detail, so here it goes.
2011 Chrysler 300 in dark metallic grey. After wash and spray wax, looked decent until I could finally go at it tonight!

Used LC HD blue pads with Megs 205 and Wolfgang Total swirl remover, did a nice job. I will add, wow, amazed at how easy the HD pads cleaned up compared to the regular LC flat pads!Im the MAN

I ran out of time, so blew off the dry splatter and wiped it down with ONR diluted heavily…I'll have to drive it tomorrow, so I'll wash once I'm back home. Though I hate doing it this way, no choice.
There are some insignificant tiny tiny scratches I won't bother with until Spring left. Can't believe I'm saying that! Oh, how things change!

I want a nice flake pop, but yet deep glow (glow being more important)…I planned to follow up with Blacklight, Blackfire sealant, and then some Souv or other LSP.

Questions, as now I'm wondering if I should go over it with a final polish first, such as Pinnacle final polish or even the 205 and a lighter pad? …or…hit it next with a white pad and BF Total polish and seal?
Regardless, I'm trying Blacklight over the next step I think, followed by BF sealant and wax…then in before winter 845.

SO, final polish? 205 or Pinnacle? I do have some old Menzerna around I could use as well. What pad, white? Or HD tangerine?

Or just go for the Blacklight with white pad?
Whew, repetitive I know, sorry long day!
Thanks again!
•If Megs 205 and Wolfgang TSR did a nice enough job:
meets your expectations; why not just stay with what works.
I wouldn't use an AIO such as Blacklight as a final polish.

•If you want the flake to continue to be seen by you as popping after polishing:
-Sealants' clarity usually allows for this flake popping-phenomenon to be visualized.

•Along with the also want an after-glow from applying Souveran---a (paste?) Wax.
-I can't say, for sure, how much glow Souveran Wax will provide when applied atop Blackfire Sealant.
-I also can't say, for sure, that Souveran Wax will allow the flake popping to continue to be seen by you, or actually mute the pop!

-I suppose a couple of test-spot panel areas would be necessary to determine the above variables:
Your call. :)

Thanks Bob.
I thought Blacklight was more of a glaze that had some mild abrasives as well?

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I could be wrong but I don't believe Chemical Guys Blacklight contains abrasives. It is a glaze containing gloss enhancers but I don't think it does much in the way of correction...

Meguiar's M205 is a very fine polish and once you're finished polishing the paint should be spectacular. There's nothing wrong with applying Blacklight after polishing. Blacklight contains fine fillers and gloss enhancers which give the finish a nice glow.

I believe Blacklight requires a drying or curing time of 30 minutes or so before applying a sealant or wax for optimum gloss and protection...
Thanks Bob.
I thought Blacklight was more of a glaze that had some mild abrasives as well?
If it is Chemical Guys' Black Light Hybrid Radiant Finish that we're talking about...then, according to its product description and recommended uses:
I do consider it an AIO.

Wolfgang pre wax.enhancer perhaps?
I'd like a little filler and not going to be able to get a glaze at this time.

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Wolfgang pre wax.enhancer perhaps?
I'd like a little filler and not going to be able to get a glaze at this time.
If you're not totally satisfied with the results from use of M205 and Wolfgang TSR...

The Wolfgang Paintwork Polish Enhancer is a cleaner/polish that is supposed to leave behind those "fillers" you want.

Thanks guys.
New problem...lightly hit the windshield with the combo from last night....Think I made some new I'll try going over that with a fine polish until I can order windshield polish combo...any suggestions for an affordable option?

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