Ozone recommendations


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Feb 20, 2013
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I've been doing a ton of reading on ozone machines and of course the internet will give mixed reviews. I've been getting inquiries about removing smoke smells from cars and I want to up the chances of getting rid of it.

Currently I use steam, extraction, apc, etc to remove odors. I make sure I hit the seat belts, headliner etc but sometimes it still remains.

My question for those using them is would you recommend to someone that it's worth it? Sometimes I've purchased items (like we all have) to find out it doesn't produce as advertised. And if you do recommend one which one are you using.

Appreciate the responses..
I bought an ozone generator a few years ago off of Ebay. I noticed that one particular model (from China) was showing up on many different sellers pages. At a wide variety of prices. And as the months went buy the prices really started to fall.
And then I found on that had been placed under the wrong header so I watched it and bid the minimum at the last 5 seconds and got it.
Definitely worth the $78.00 including shipping it cost.

I have used it in the "acid test' vehicle. Baby barf, spilled rotten milk, and of course our all time favorite. Poop.
After giving all the interior fabric a good cleaning with Folex, several times. And many, many fresh water rinses it was time to fill the interior with ozone.

I left the ozone machine on for three hours and the vehicle closed up over night. Almost all the reek was gone in the morning. So I opened all the windows and put big fans blowing into the car.
After another day of blowing air the last of the stinks were gone.

Here is the one similar to the one I got. And the prices just keep falling.

New Commercial Industrial Ozone Generator Pro Air Purifier Mold Mildew Odor | eBay
Thanks for the replies.. I want one but only if it's justified..
I had one for a while, used it once and sent it back. The left over ozone smell lasted a few months.
I use ozone all the time in houses. I am in the carpet cleaning business. It works great. Just make sure you don't let it run for too long in a small area lime a car. Also air out before you breathe that crap as it can burn your lungs. You also might wanna add a cleaning solution that actually removes smoke rather than wasting your time with steam and random cleaners.... kinda pointless when there are products that easily remove smoke from upholstery and carpet followed by hot water extraction. PM me if you wanna know what to use.

Ozone is a great investment.