Le bra


New member
Mar 28, 2014
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I just got this today. Anyone have one? . This looks like it could cause scratches
Have you thought about PAint Protection Film/clear bra like xpel Ultimate instead?
Well I bought this just to use for long drives. I didn't want something permanent. I saw some type of temporary plastic but I figured I'd give the bra a shot. Looks like it has to be put on very gingerly.
The other issues is what happened when dirt, debris, and other items get stuck behind that bra and against the paint? The damage that could be caused isn't worth it.

With clear bra's mainly Xpel Ultimate the film blends right is with the car and you would never know there is one on there. Another benefit is the self healing capable the film has. So ofnyounwere to get a scratch or a rock chip in the film with some heat activation like got water, sun, or a hair dryer you can remove the imperfection restoring the film to the orginal look.

Living is Pittsburgh you know what winters are like and how the rock salt can cause some nasty damage to the front end of a car.
I just got this today. Anyone have one? . This looks like it could cause scratches
Hi Frank...

According to your below listed thread...
I thought you were going to only using a vinyl bra temporarily...for/during road trips...with PPF not being considered as an alternative at the present time. Correct?


To note:
I've used these type of vinyl bras before...also on a temporary basis...without incurring any damages.

Just make sure the areas where the Le Bra will be touching has a fresh coat of Wax/Sealant. Of course the Bra should be contaminate free before installation.

Yes this is just for hwy drives. I'm not gonna leave this on through the winter Evan. My commute to work is pretty short. I know I'm still taking my chances with the crap the salt trucks throw down.

The reason I ask about the is it looks like theres a chance of scratching the paint if you slide it trying to put it on. I'll just really be mindful and take my time.

Since Honda's paint is so soft maybe I will look into just a winter film on the front of the hood. That's where I was getting stone chips on the black car
I saw a plastic film on a white car. I didn't care for it. You could clearly see the lines. I'm not sure what the product was.
I saw a plastic film on a white car. I didn't care for it. You could clearly see the lines. I'm not sure what the product was.

Could it have been that the car you saw had a non-AGO owner and the condition of the paint was such that you could see where the glossiness of the film ended?

As for the LeBra, I used one on an old T-Bird I had for the same thing, long highway trips. Put a good coat of wax/sealant on the hood put it on for the trip, remove it upon arrival and wash it after every use.
I have a full frontal which means:
Full hood (no line)
Full front fenders (no line)
Front bumper
A Pillars
Front edge of the roof
And a luggage piece of the rear bumper

All the areas that could have the film wrapped under the edges were which really completes the install for a more stealth like look.

They type of film that is used along with the pattern that is used and who the installed would be will greatly affect how a clear bra will look on a vehicle

This a great thread to read over Frank. I had worked in a Audi A3 that have a clear bra install and lets just say it looked horrible.


This will give you and idea of how film should look after a proper install with good film
I'll look at that article. Yes this car only had it on the front of the hood and only half way up from the bottom of the doors
I don't know how long you've been doing this Evan but your work is very impressive. You have a hellava clientele.

So I have looked at that guy's website last year and never got around to call for a quote. I'm off Mondays. Maybe I'll take a ride up there
I was just reading xpels website. It says that it's not recommended to coat or seal because of the adhesion of the film?
Does prestige auto have a commercial shop or does he work out of his house?
Just give Adam a call either today or tomorrow I will be working on an explorer there tomorrow.

You never want to coat or wax/seal then install the film when using a coating. With Xpel Ultimate you can coat over top of the film and have no issues.

We just finished this one last night new car prep with a full frontal and coated with GTechniq

I just thought of a question. If it's not recommended to clay, do contaminates stick to the film? Or just wash and wax
I just thought of a question. If it's not recommended to clay, do contaminates stick to the film? Or just wash and wax

I have clayed film numerous times because there has been contamination on the film.