View Full Version : Scratching paint with high pressure water....... interesting?

08-14-2007, 10:08 PM
I was searching the web about detailing and I ran across a site where it was talking about how high pressure water can cause scratches in the paint. Basically they were saying that if you hit you car with some high pressure water it will grind the dirt particals against the surface of the car. It seems interesting and I can kind of see how that might happen.....thoughts?

08-14-2007, 10:12 PM
Yeah, Ive heard of this too. Im not sure how much truth there is to it, or how you could even measure something like that. But remember, the pressure is drastically reduced when you're 2- 3ft. from the nozzle.

08-14-2007, 10:46 PM
I think in theory is possible, but I would also think the high impact of the water being sprayed would be more of an issue

08-14-2007, 11:25 PM
I think in theory is possible, but I would also think the high impact of the water being sprayed would be more of an issue

I would agree, I wouldnt be surprised if it shortened the life of the wax due to it wearing it away. This same website was also talking about how millions of small dirt particals in the air blast the leading edges of the car while you are driving. In effect like a sandblaster, and it actually wears away the wax faster on those areas, very interesting, and it makes complete sense to me.