Buying a new DA: MT300, Flex or Rupes for a hobbyist?


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Feb 21, 2014
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I have had a PC for years now now, but I think I am ready to upgrade to something else. The pc shakes my hands to death and I often have to go back and correct some spots due to the pad stopping and not recognizing that. I am looking at the Rupes 15, Megs MT300 and Flex 3401. I am looking for a user friendly machine that can do quick work while finishing down nice.

I know they all have their pros and cons, but what would you recommend for a hobbyist that will only be using it to correct a few times a year, but will apply wax/glaze with it every other week?
Subscribed as I am looking to upgrade soon. ( I'm leaning towards a flex )
I am in the same boat has you.

Definitely love my flex 3401.

Highly recommend getting the LC interchangeable plate system. Use the included 4" bp.

Paired with 5" hybrid lake country pads it is about as good as it gets.
I upgraded over the summer to a 3401 with the changeable backing plate and couldn't be happier. Renny Doyle said it best. The 3401 is the Swiss Army knife. It does a little of everything. The Rupes is a surgeons scapple.

Rupes 21 polisher vs Flex 3401 polisher: Rupes 21 polisher vs Flex 3401 polisher - YouTube

If you want something to just wax with then buy a Griots 3in DA. Works great for waxing/glazes. There about 100$. Then buy a 3401 or Rupes. Just my opinion.
Bought a Rupes 21 last black friday love it. Does a great job. Bought a Flex 2 weeks ago. Love it. More powerful & does a great great job also. Next spring I'll reach for the Flex first
Hands Down No comparison...get the Flex 3401 VRG with the Lake Country Backing Plates (and Flex's too) and get the Lake Country Hybrid Pads 5" and 6.5". It is by far a superior machine and can get things done quite a bit quicker than any other DA out there.
A few times a year? A Flex is way overkill, the MT300 looks interesting but it won't be out until December. Chemical Guys sells the new Torq, it looks like it could be good. IMHO I wouldn't recommend a $300+ DA for someone who will hardly use it.
Can't go wrong with the 3401, it's capable of doing everything. There's a bit of a learning curve going from DA to forced rotation DA like the flex, but it's safe to learn on and you should figure out how to handle it fairly quickly. The Rupes is smoother on the hands, the action will be more familiar to you coming from a 7424, but the learning curve will come as you figure out how to best tackle curves effectively without causing the rotation to stop. The MT300 should bridge the gap between the PC and the Rupes. I think you should wait to get some reviews on it before jumping the gun, because if it's as smooth as they say and if that digital torque feature can help it power through curves, then I think it's going to be a very competitive choice at its price for guys like you that are wanting something more than their PC but won't see a heavy amount of usage.

I'm sort of in the same boat as you. I think my choice is either going to come down to the MT300 or the Rupes 15, since I will continue to use my Rotary for heavy compound work, I want something to replace my PC for the polishing and sealant/wax application.
The Flex is the only "forced rotation" DA made. All the new DA's coming out will not be as powerful as a Flex. Quebert and Loach are correct. A Flex might be "overkill" if you are a hobbyist. Rupes is also in the realm of $$. The Megs, Torque, GG and PC are in the reasonable realm.

I still use my PC7424 XP to apply sealant/wax. I think any of the DA's mentioned here are great at what they do; no question about that.

Bottom line...the DA debate is fun and choices are making ALL of our heads spin!!....(pun intended) LOL
I can't speak for the Rupes, I honestly think it's too expensive for a weekend warrior, but the Flex has been awesome (I got mine used from a local guy here, so I got a good deal). You can have 4 different pad sizes, 6", 5.5", 5" and 4". Very versatile machine.
if you can handle the vibrations then get the GG6, otherwise the flex. it still surprises me how much torque/power the GG6 has when i use it...
I have the PC...Just bought the Flex(Autogeek sale price , Rupes not included) What a difference from the PC....Will be purchasing the Rupes mini 75, Flex did not come to the table at SEMA,,( I digress)Good the flex
I have the PC...Just bought the Flex(Autogeek sale price , Rupes not included) What a difference from the PC....Will be purchasing the Rupes mini 75, Flex did not come to the table at SEMA,,( I digress)Good the flex

Turn that PC into a carpet, Upholstry, tire scrubbing phenomenon with some cyclo type brushes

Huge time saver, especially using the carpet brush before vacuuming