845 Issue


In time out
Sep 8, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Guys

I have a stand where most of my products sit, polishes on one level, glazes, AIO's on another and LSP's on another all on the same metal stand with glass shelves. For some reason 845 is the only one when I lift off the shelf leaves a circular oily residue at the base of the bottle and the glass shelf. I wipe the bottle and shelf and the next day its wet again. The bottle does not seem to have a hole or leak when I wipe it clean and look at the base, it feels bone dry once wiped. The level of 845 too hasn't dropped. :confused:
Pour a little collinite845 to small bottle and see.
I never have this issue ;)
I had the same issue with a bottle of Griots Garage sealant. Hmmmm.
Very possible the bottle does have a very small-minor hard to detect crack at the seam? If this continues and if it was myself, I'd probably transfer the product into another bottle and label it.

Somewhere like a Beauty Supply Shop that sells hair Dyes-products should have something suitable.