Need slogan for Dance Business

Tex Star Detail

New member
Mar 3, 2006
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Hey everyone, been a while since I posted. Been sorta busy with some things.
Anyways, my Wife wanted me to post this....

Her Aunt is opening a Dance Studio, and my Wife and her Cousin will be the teachers/managers/co-owners/what-ever else.....
not 100% sure on a business name yet, but they have a few lined up. What they are are wanting is a slogan...
you know, like:
Captain Chris' Concrete
slogan: This Mud's For You.....

corny, I know...

LOL, anyways,
they will be teaching Jazz, Tap, Hip-Hop, Ballet, lyrical, modern, tumbling, maybe Yoga, and clogging..........
yes, they can do it all..........

So, can you think of a slogan for something for that???? I am absolutely blank.


TexasTB said:
Hey everyone, been a while since I posted. Been sorta busy with some things.
Anyways, my Wife wanted me to post this....

Her Aunt is opening a Dance Studio, and my Wife and her Cousin will be the teachers/managers/co-owners/what-ever else.....
not 100% sure on a business name yet, but they have a few lined up. What they are are wanting is a slogan...
you know, like:
Captain Chris' Concrete
slogan: This Mud's For You.....

corny, I know...

LOL, anyways,
they will be teaching Jazz, Tap, Hip-Hop, Ballet, lyrical, modern, tumbling, maybe Yoga, and clogging..........
yes, they can do it all..........

So, can you think of a slogan for something for that???? I am absolutely blank.



Tex Star Dance Studio
if we don't make you a star, my husband will detail your car
nah...I'll go out of business....LMAO

they pretty much have a few names picked out and just need to come to an agreement between the three of them on which one...
Oh man that is cool :D. I'm not great on slogans, but I'll give it a try.

We can teach it all, just give us a call!

I am corny too, CHris :p
hmmm blank, sorry I will ask some friends and get back to you!
Learn to dance like you have ants in your paints! Just kidding Chris. If I think of something serious (which can be hard for me sometimes) I'll let you know. My wife loves to dance. I never use to care that much for dancing and I use to dance only to make her happy. I have learn to enjoy it and have a lot of fun. It's also good exercise.
You wanna learn to dance?
Come see us at ........................ <----(insert Dance Studio name)
We promise not to shoot at your feet (the ole Texas way)
Our only aim is teaching you to dance

Our Only Rule: Put down that beer before taking your partner's hand.
they will be teaching Jazz, Tap, Hip-Hop, Ballet, lyrical, modern, tumbling, maybe Yoga, and clogging..........
yes, they can do it all..........

Eclectic school of dance ???
CDI "Complete Dance Instruction"

It's not corny, but it commands respect lol
It would be helpful to know the perspective business names to derive a slogan?
Shake and Bake (that just happends *Talladega Nights*) studio's
I'll post up some of the names they have been thinking about. Probably tomorrow evening sometime..