Need help with Polishing


New member
Mar 6, 2006
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Hey guys! I need some help with polishing. I am doing a truck at the moment, and was using the Menzerna IP with the orange pad on a PC. It seems though that I only make one pass, then the next pass it seems the product is dried or something and it is taken away. I sprayed the pad with water before I started, and am using a speed of 5. So is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

Also, when you polish, where does the polish normally build up on the pad? I seem to have a little more buildup around the outer edge. Is this normal?

Sorry for the dumb Questions! :)
Is the finish warm ?? Are you polishing outside ?? Usually a polish should not flash cure for several passes. You can usually respritz your pad with water or QD in order to keep it going also. If you need a much longer polishing time, I highly suggest Optimums Polish. Remember with polishing its a small area at a time, panel by panel.
Finish is cool. Working inside the garage so I dunno. :confused: I tried respritzing with some water and that helped a bit. I am doing just a small section at a time so I am not quite sure what the problem is. Seems as though I am not getting as much out of the polish as I should. Any other ideas? Also, is the polish buildup normal, where does yours buildup on the pad?

Thanks killrwheels!
Never really thought about polish build up but being on the outside of the pad but does not sound wrong. I personally use three stripes going across the pad (dampened with QD) and start slow. I then ramp up to 4500-6000 depending on the polish and finish. I use a cutting pad (orange on oxidized paint), and my Vette usually only needs a white pad or grey finishing pad with polishing and then j e w e l-ing the surface. (I always follow an abrasive polish with a much lighter final polish)
killrwheels@autogeek said:
Never really thought about polish build up but being on the outside of the pad but does not sound wrong. I personally use three stripes going across the pad (dampened with QD) and start slow. I then ramp up to 4500-6000 depending on the polish and finish. I use a cutting pad (orange on oxidized paint), and my Vette usually only needs a white pad or grey finishing pad with polishing and then j e w e l-ing the surface. (I always follow an abrasive polish with a much lighter final polish)

Well said! I use a very similar method, but I use two 10" line of polish on the panel, I still use it on the pad sometimes.