View Full Version : Detailing Towel Help

12-05-2014, 10:39 PM
What type of microfiber towels should be used throughout the entire detailing process. When removing clay bar lube, polishes, and sealant/waxes?
Also, what are a few companies that sell high quality microfibers?

12-05-2014, 10:53 PM
Here you go
Microfiber Towels Comparison Chart (http://www.autogeek.net/mfchart.html)

12-05-2014, 10:55 PM
Here is some good advice for keeping them nice

Microfiber Care Guide, Clean Cobra Microfiber Towels, Applicators & Tools with Pinnacle Micro Rejuvenator Microfiber Detergent. Clean & dry microfiber (http://www.autogeek.net/mi101.html)

12-06-2014, 02:52 PM

12-06-2014, 03:10 PM
The two previous posts give all the objective information you will need

Any additional input is so subjective...here is mine

Glass- CarPro FastGlass
When you receive them you will say what the
They work better for interior glass than anything else I have tried

Everything except final polishing- Kirkland or Costco MF
Buy the heaviest GSM they have
Buy three packages so you wont be tempted to "overuse" a towel...when it gets a bit dirty, switch to a new towel

Final Polishing- I like the Miracle Towel from AGO in 16x24
Fold it thrice and flip it often

Drying- I prefer waffle weave. All brand I have tried were similar
Don't buy the Monster size as they are not easy to handle
Buy three and use all three when drying your car to avoid scratches

Dirty Work- I downgrade my Costco towels as they show wear
I mark these towels with a Sharpie dot in the center

Wheels- I like the black ones with pockets
They protect my hands when reaching into the wheel
Using one per wheel will speed up your process

You should be using enough MF towels on every detail that you have a full load of laundry at the conclusion

Keep a "demoted" towel hanging out if your pocket at all times
This will prevent the temptation of using a good towel to wipe a dirty spot you missed earlier in the process

12-06-2014, 04:02 PM
I suppose that I should have clarified some more.
I'd like to know what type of nap and thickness, etc works best for each of the different steps.
I've seen the chart mentioned in post #2, but there are 6 different towels that are listed as removal towels, and they all have different weights.

12-06-2014, 07:59 PM

12-06-2014, 08:30 PM
You could use a Gold Plush Jr for pretty much everything if they're clean enough. Btw, the post above did answer those questions. Giving specific examples too.
Compound removal is 360 range.
Polish removal is 360-530 range.
LSP removal is 360-530, make sure you have a clean towel.

Many if no most towels ate dual sided. One side short/no pile the other medium/long pile. The short works well to break up compound.
You could do a whole car (2 step correction and wax/seal) with 30 Gold Plush Jr's.