RMBT - rate my beading thread

May 29, 2013
Reaction score
detailed my car yesterday, here's what I did

Nanoskin Sponge
Sonax PNS
Dodo Juide Orange Crush applied by hand

I sucked at the waxing, I definitely need to try it again because I know my hand job was shotty. *PAUSE* I'm not all that impressed with my results. I used good products so if my results are lacking I know it's totally my fault. Maybe I was expecting too much though. If anyone's bored and wants to critique my video here's the link. Sorry it's 34 megs I'm at work and can't compress it.

I don't have experience with either products. Water repellency can be affected by a multitude of different factors. First, how long did you allow the products to cure on the paint after you buffed it off before you introduced water to the panel? I'm also not sure if PNS requires a cure time before applying anything on top of it. Putting water down after immediate removal may affect certain repellency characteristics for products that like a longer 12-24 hour cure time. Also, did you perform any sort of quick detailer wipedown after applying the products? A good test would be to see how each product does by itself, without trying to layer it. It's possible PNS may bead/sheet more how you like it solo compared to the Orange Crush.

I'll also add if you have one of those hoses with the shower setting, try running that over the panel. Some waxes have low repellency after immediate initial water contact, and then once fully flooded it can kick start the entire repellency.
Good point you brought up, I didn't think about waiting after PNS to jump to applying wax. I think it might have been 20 minutes in between. at the most. For PNS say to spray on and wipe off right away, they don't mention a curing time though. I waited about 10 minutes for the wax to haze before I buffed it off.

If anyone wants to comment on PNS cure time I'm all ears. I Googled this and found 2 answers, one guy said you should wait 24 hours and of course the other said WOWO then you can apply your wax but didn't mention a time frame.

If I did it wrong looks like I'll be using Top Inspector to get me down to nothing-less again and starting over lol.
Sonax polymer net shield's primary water behavior characteristic is sheeting, not beading.

No idea about the Orange crush as I haven't used it, but in my humble opinion, what your video is showing is preferable water behavior to beading in every way.

Many folks have a perceived belief that beading is actually a good thing. A car that beads water is at least showing it's protected, but will be dirtier after a rain shower than one that sheets. The great thing about Sonax PNS is that it will actually repel dirt and make cleaning the vehicle less likely to inflict swirls provided good technique is used. Personally, I wouldn't (and don't) top it with anything.
Sonax polymer net shield's primary water behavior characteristic is sheeting, not beading.

No idea about the Orange crush as I haven't used it, but in my humble opinion, what your video is showing is preferable water behavior to beading in every way.

Many folks have a perceived belief that beading is actually a good thing. A car that beads water is at least showing it's protected, but will be dirtier after a rain shower than one that sheets. The great thing about Sonax PNS is that it will actually repel dirt and make cleaning the vehicle less likely to inflict swirls provided good technique is used. Personally, I wouldn't (and don't) top it with anything.

I didn't put the wax on for any other reason than I wanted more shine. Everything I've read about PNS is it's fantastic at sheeting water but doesn't leave the surface very smooth. I don't care too much about smoothness. I did want some extra pop so I layered the wax. As for the sheeting in my videos, I dunno it just wasn't as uber as I had hoped. But that could be my expectations being out of wack.
whatever you put on last is the determining factor of how the water will behave.

It's impossible to judge the PNS for water behavior if there is something else on top of it. My guess is you're dissatisfied with the water performance of the Orange Crush at this point.

Of course, it's also possible the PNS underneath effected the bonding and curing of the Orange Crush, especially if it was applied before the PNS had a chance to fully set.

Perhaps you could strip just the hood and apply half PNS, half dodo juice and compare to see if what your seeing is the results of one product or a mixture of the two before you attack the whole car.